Learning mathematics with mnemonic rules





mnemonic rules, learning, reasoning, association, memorization, imagination, rational numbers, elementary operations


Introduction: Learning mathematics in basic education contributes to performance in upper secondary and higher education. However, among the factors that cause a lag in mastering mathematical reasoning are the degree of difficulty with which it is taught and the absence of didactic strategies that reinforce knowledge. Objective: A strategy is proposed to strengthen the way of learning and solving basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), for which mnemonic rules were designed. Methodology involves developing an algorithm for each type of operation, which can be represented by an object or emblematic phrase that brings to mind the idea of how to solve that particular operation. The sample consisted of a group of 55 students who scored below expectations on the previous diagnostic exam. The mnemonic designed as a learning strategy led to a high pass rate (90% in integers and 70% in fractions). Conclusions: This result confirms its success, as it improves reasoning. When students were questioned about the use of this mnemonic, they stated that it gave them confidence and speed in its application."


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Author Biographies

Angélica Patricia Pérez Lozada, National Polytechnic Institute

Teacher-Researcher at the National Polytechnic Institute attached to the Center for Scientific and Technological Studies 15 “Diódoro Antúnez Echegaray”, in the area of mathematics, Titular “C” three-quarter time.
Experience in teaching workshops and courses in the training of students in the area of mathematics, as well as the preparation of articles at national and international level. Participates in national conferences with the line of research in education and educational innovation. Develops reagents in the different areas of mathematics at the upper secondary level of the IPN.

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Evelyne Suárez Hortiales, National Polytechnic Institute

Professor-Researcher of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional attached to the Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos 15 “Diódoro Antúnez Echegaray”. Full-time tenured C.
Experience in the design and delivery of courses, workshops and diploma courses for the training and updating of teaching and administrative staff. Participates in institutional, national and international conferences with the line of research in education and educational innovation; has participated in the curricular design of study plans and programs. Evaluator of the bank of reagents for the admission exams and the study guide for the upper secondary and higher education levels of the IPN.

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Simon Eduardo Carranco-Lozada, National Polytechnic Institute

Professor-Researcher of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional attached to the Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos 15 “Diódoro Antúnez Echegaray” and member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores Nivel 1 (National System of Researchers Level 1).

He is a researcher at the upper middle level with research lines in air, soil and water contamination, and is also an expert in geological risk and methodologies for the study of soil deformation. He served as general coordinator of the Sustainability Technician program, and also participated in the development of the contents of the graduate program micronetworks with sustainable impact. He is currently a precursor of research, promoting science and technology activities at the National Polytechnic Institute for high school students.

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Sonia Torres-Rivera, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

Professor-Researcher at the Geology Institute of the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. She is a member of the National System of Researchers.
The field of knowledge she researches is related to groundwater chemistry and aquifer contamination, in these studies she determines the impact of anthropic activities to propose strategies for monitoring and prevention of contaminants. One of her greatest contributions to science was the methodology that allows demonstrating the subway hydraulic connectivity between her irrigation and discharge zones.


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How to Cite

Pérez Lozada, A. P., Suárez Hortiales, E., Carranco-Lozada, S. E., & Torres-Rivera, S. (2025). Learning mathematics with mnemonic rules. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1229


