Beauty is youth: neologisms in cosmetic product advertising




neologism, neology, lexicon, advertising, DLE, dictionarization, lexicology, language development


Abstract: Creativity in advertising is a key element, especially in the field of beauty. In order to convince the target audience of the benefits of their products, cosmetics companies resort to a series of multimodal resources, including the lexicon. In this paper, we present an analysis that reveals some of these strategies through the analysis of neologisms present in advertising posters in the world of beauty. Four neologisms used in posters of this type are analysed, using as a reference the main criteria that studies on neology offer when considering the dictionaryisation of a new word. The four neologisms were analysed considering some of the key aspects in the dictionaryisation process: definition, formation mechanism, first documentation, examples of use and presence in the main lexicographical works both in Spanish and in other languages. The results show a disparate presence of usage in the four cases, and their formation mechanisms allow us to reflect on the search for scientificity and opposition to the passage of time, which is observed both in the processes of word creation and in the context of usage.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Valdés-León, University of La Laguna

Gabriel Valdés-León is a professor at the University of La Laguna. He completed a postdoctoral stay at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria through a Margarita Salas grant, financed by NextGenerationEU funds (2022-2024). She received her PhD in Linguistic Studies in 2021 from the same university, with a thesis that obtained the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize. She holds a Master's degree in Linguistics from the University of Santiago de Chile (2014) and a Master's degree in Hispanic Lexicography taught by the University of León in collaboration with the Royal Spanish Academy (2017), funded by a grant from the Carolina Foundation. In 2018, she received a grant from the Spanish Cooperation MAEC-AECID for her contributions to the projects of the Chilean Academy of Language.

Pamela Iturbe, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Pamela Iturbe has a degree in education and teaches language and literature at the Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Her work covers the area of linguistics, on neology and non-verbal communication, and education, with didactic proposals and classroom analysis. She currently works as a secondary school teacher in an educational establishment, where she conducts research focused on the educational field.

Clarisse Chassanite, Autonomous University of Madrid

Clarisse Chassanite holds a degree in Hispanic Literature, History and Language and a Master's degree in Iberian Studies from the University of Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne. Her work covers the field of diachronic linguistics, particularly in semantics and lexicology, with a Master's thesis entitled ‘Study of the lexicon of food in Spanish exempla literature’. She is currently specialising in Hispanic linguistics in the Master's programme at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In her scientific contributions she is interested in the study of neology in literature and advertising.

Romina Oyarzún Yáñez, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Romina Oyarzún is a primary education teacher, Master in Comprehension and Production of Texts by the Andrés Bello University (Chile) and Master in Neuroeducation by the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). Her research interests are reading and writing, neuroeducation and Hispanic linguistics. Currently, she combines her research work with teaching at the Andrés Bello University and the University of Chile.


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How to Cite

Valdés-León, G., Iturbe, P., Chassanite, C., & Oyarzún Yáñez, R. (2024). Beauty is youth: neologisms in cosmetic product advertising. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.

