The role of socioformative strategies in the mental health of vulnerable youth




Health center, strategies, social problem, mental health, stress, anxiety, depression, health


Introduction: Currently, the incidence of mental health issues among young people has increased, highlighting the need for new and current approaches to address them. This research focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of socio-formative strategies in improving the emotional intelligence of vulnerable youth as a protective mechanism against anxiety, depression, and stress. Methodology: This pre-experimental study was conducted on vulnerable youth from Peru (n = 128) who were attended at the Community Mental Health Center. The Socio-Formative Observation Scale (EOSF), the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS), and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS) were employed. The Wilcoxon test evaluated the effectiveness of the intervention. Results: Socio-formative strategies demonstrated their effectiveness (p<0.05) in emotional intelligence (p = 0.01), depression (p = 0.00), anxiety (p = 0.01), and stress (p = 0.01). Discussions: The increase in the level of emotional intelligence suggests that socio-formative strategies not only promote emotional knowledge and regulation but also facilitate greater resilience. Conclusions: Socio-formative strategies contribute positively to the field of mental health in vulnerable settings, demonstrating their effectiveness.


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Author Biographies

Jhan Carlos Manuel Fernández Delgado, National University of Cajamarca

Degree in Nursing from the National University of Cajamarca, Peru. I have done academic exchanges at Uniremington (Colombia) and at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru), where I have expanded my knowledge and skills in health research. With research internships at the University of Santiago de Chile, University of Guanajuato, Mexico and currently at The University of Texas Health Science Center--Houston, USA in the program ‘Equity in Migration and Health Policies and Practices’.

Carmen Miluska Alegría-Bernal, Catholic University of Santa María

Paediatrician-auditor, Master in Health Management. Specialist in Health Management-University ESAN. Specialist in Public Health-Jhon Hopkins University. Digital Transformation-University of Barcelona-Fraunhofer Institute-Germany. Member of the Health Quality Association-Peru. Lecturer and undergraduate tutor at the Universidad Católica Santa María-Arequipa-Peru.


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How to Cite

Fernández Delgado, J. C. M., & Alegría-Bernal, C. M. (2024). The role of socioformative strategies in the mental health of vulnerable youth. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

