Entrepreneurship and Hate Speech: Challenges for Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict in Colombia


  • Luis Carlos Cárdenas Ortiz Corporación Universitaria de Asturias




hate speech, Entrepreneurship, victims of internal armed conflict in Colombia, community entrepreneurship, business training, Colombian economy, resilience, violence in Colombia


Introduction: In the context of the prolonged internal armed conflict in Colombia, victims face unique challenges when trying to start their own businesses. In addition to the usual barriers such as obtaining financing and resources, these individuals deal with stigmatization and deeply rooted hate speech in society, which hinder their reintegration and entrepreneurship after years of conflict and suffering. Methodology: The methodological approach combined in-depth interviews with 10 conflict victims, economic data analysis, and a literature review on entrepreneurship in post-conflict contexts. Participants were strategically selected to represent diverse experiences and geographical areas. Results: The interviews revealed specific barriers such as limited access to financing and resources, lack of business and technical training, and the negative impact of stigmatization and hate speech on their self-confidence as entrepreneurs. Discussions: The study emphasized the urgent need to address these limitations through policies and programs that provide access to financial resources, business training, and psychosocial support specifically oriented towards victims of the internal armed conflict. Conclusions: It is understood that countering hate speech and stigmatization is crucial to creating a more favorable environment for entrepreneurship in communities affected by the conflict.


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Author Biography

Luis Carlos Cárdenas Ortiz, Corporación Universitaria de Asturias

Business Administrator, Specialist in Design and Evaluation of projects with Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Doctor in Administrative Economics, certified by The University of Texas at San Antonio and MassChallenge in methodology for entrepreneurship and development of Startups; with experience in formulation of investment projects, prospective innovation and university teaching.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Ortiz, L. C. (2024). Entrepreneurship and Hate Speech: Challenges for Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict in Colombia. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1270



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