Older persons in forced displacement and rights violations: systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines.





Older people, Displaced people, Human rights, Systematic review, Types of violence, Humanitarian programmes, Humanitarian interventions, Ageism


Introduction: The growing number of older people affected by forced displacement raises the need to understand and address the risks they face. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out following PRISMA guidelines using EBSCO and Google Academic, as well as repositories of international humanitarian aid agencies. A total of 31 materials were analysed. Results: Older people face very specific challenges throughout the cycle of forced displacement. They face specific risks of undignified material living conditions, poor health, social isolation, loss of cultural and social identity, lack of participation, and interpersonal violence. It highlights the invisibility of older adults in the humanitarian response and the non-inclusion of their specific needs and risks in programmes and interventions. Discussions: Working with forcibly displaced older adults requires a specific, cross-cutting and participatory approach, tailoring responses to their particular needs. It is essential to work to cushion the identity and participatory decapitalisation of older adults. Conclusions: The violation of human rights of older refugees and/or displaced persons is a very complex reality that demands immediate attention.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Suffo Peñalver, Comillas Pontifical University

Graduated in a double degree in Criminology and Social Work from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas; Diploma in Communication Skills and Studies in Foreign Languages ​​and Diploma in Personal, Communication and Professional Skills. Curricular internships carried out at the Moratalaz Social Services Center, the Juan de Austria Occupational Center and the Brenes supervised flat of the Samu Foundation. Since April 2024 working as an intern in the Customer Service department at Domusvi.

Rosalía Mota López, Comillas Pontifical University

Professor of Sociology and Social Research, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Comillas Pontifical University. Graduate in Sociology and Political Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid). PhD in Sociology (Autonomous University of Madrid) and Juan March Doctorate, Carlos III – Juan March Institute, Research and Postgraduate Center in Social Sciences. Researcher in competitive projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science (2007-2009 and 2010-2012), and by the BBVA Foundation (2002-2005). Researcher in other research projects funded by different public administrations and entities, including ABANCA, Fundación Telefónica, Fundación FOESSA, Instituto de la Mujer, and different Ministries and Councils. Author of more than 35 publications on social exclusion, welfare state and social policies, aging, longevity and generations.


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How to Cite

Suffo Peñalver, N., & Mota López, R. (2025). Older persons in forced displacement and rights violations: systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1278



Humanism and Social Sciences