Barriers and opportunities for green business in Santander (Colombia): An approach to regional sustainable development




Biobusiness, Strategy, Business, Green, Criteria, Sustainability, Barriers, Opportunities


In the Guanentá and Comunera regions, located in the department of Santander (Colombia), being excellent areas for entrepreneurship due to their wide variety of ecosystems and rich cultural diversity, the integration of green business criteria presents both barriers and unique opportunities that can

Introduction: In the Guanentá and Comunera regions, located in the department of Santander (Colombia), being excellent areas for entrepreneurship due to their wide variety of ecosystems and rich cultural diversity, the integration of green business criteria presents both barriers and unique opportunities that can transform local economies. Methodology: This study focuses on the analysis of the green business value chain in the agri-food sector with the objective of identifying and evaluating the sustainability criteria implemented at each stage of the production process. Results: Through a detailed focus on resource efficiency, waste reduction and sustainable innovation, we sought not only to improve the competitiveness of these businesses, but also to contribute to the economic and environmental development of the region. Discussions:  Addressing the barriers faced by green businesses in these areas, such as lack of access to sustainable technologies, financial constraints and lack of adequate infrastructure. Conclusions: Along with this, the business opportunities that arise from the adoption of green practices, such as access to new markets, product differentiation and strengthening corporate reputation.

transform local economies. Methodology: This study focuses on the analysis of the green business value chain in the agri-food sector with the objective of identifying and evaluating the sustainability criteria implemented at each stage of the production process. Results: Through a detailed focus on resource efficiency, waste reduction and sustainable innovation, we sought not only to improve the competitiveness of these businesses, but also to contribute to the economic and environmental development of the region. Discussions: Addressing the barriers faced by green businesses in these areas, such as lack of access to sustainable technologies, financial constraints and lack of adequate infrastructure. Conclusions: Along with this, the business opportunities that arise from the adoption of green practices, such as access to new markets, product differentiation and strengthening corporate reputation.


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Author Biographies

Yeritza Juliana Pinzón Pinto, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI

Industrial Engineering Program, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI, Campus San Gil, Santander. Industrial Engineer, Mg in Organizational Management, Industrial Engineering Teacher in the different areas of production, Simulation, Operations Research, methods and times. Industrial Engineer of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, with the ability to face and lead change, willing and motivated to face a globalized and competitive environment in the search for improvement and optimization of resources to achieve maximum competitiveness, evaluation and adoption of cutting-edge technologies. I identify myself by facing projects with responsibility and decision criteria, looking for continuous improvement. With a sense of planning, organization, excellent oral and written communication skills. Great capacity to transmit and share acquired knowledge, consolidate work teams oriented to the achievement of personal and corporate objectives.

Omar Millán Delgado, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI

Industrial Engineer, Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, Bucaramanga Santander, Colombia. Dr. in Strategic Planning and Technology Management. Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Mexico. Professor and researcher at Universidad de Investigador y Desarrollo UDI San Gil, Santander. Professor of the Industrial Engineering and Management program. I have worked on projects that use data mining techniques and artificial intelligence analysis to predict and mitigate college dropout. These projects include the use of algorithms such as decision trees and logistic regression to identify patterns in the data and predict student behavior, developing a research product entitled: Statistical control of the dropout process in universities in the department of Santander Colombia 2017.


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How to Cite

Pinzón Pinto, Y. J., & Millán Delgado, O. (2025). Barriers and opportunities for green business in Santander (Colombia): An approach to regional sustainable development. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.

