A Pedagogical Approach to Piano Interpretation through the Study of Piano Rolls: Preserving Cultural Heritage and Recovering 19th-Century Practices


  • Carolina Estrada Bascuñana International University of Catalonia image/svg+xml




piano interpretation, music pedagogy, historical recordings, 19th century, cultural heritage, historical informed performance, piano rolls, recovery of historical practices


Introduction: The study focuses on piano interpretation through the analysis of piano rolls, aiming to preserve cultural heritage and revitalize 19th-century historical practices. Methodology: A multidimensional qualitative approach combining traditional and technological methods is used to analyze historical recordings and apply findings to current teaching. Results: Interpretative nuances that had faded over time are documented, providing a deeper understanding of historical techniques and styles. Discussion: The study examines the challenges and benefits of using these mechanisms and technologies for the study of historical sources in piano research. Conclusions: The study of piano rolls not only preserves cultural heritage but also enriches current piano interpretation, allowing musicians to learn and recover historical techniques.


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Author Biography

Carolina Estrada Bascuñana, International University of Catalonia

Collaborating lecturer at the International University of Catalonia. Coordinator of the artistic languages area of the Faculty of Education Sciences. She holds a PhD in Musical Arts from the University of Sydney. She has been awarded the AEFE Gold Cross and the Grand Cross of Humanitarian Merit. She combines her professional activity with scientific research, teaching at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (Geidai), the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and the University of New England, among others. Winner of the European Competitive Project CRSK-1190570, funded by the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research, she has worked as a collaborating professor and Principal Investigator (PI) of the project at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.


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How to Cite

Estrada Bascuñana, C. (2024). A Pedagogical Approach to Piano Interpretation through the Study of Piano Rolls: Preserving Cultural Heritage and Recovering 19th-Century Practices. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1290


