Application of Artificial Intelligence in Spanish media. Study of the 'Hiperia' program on Radio 3 Extra




Journalism, Artificial intelligence, Media, Content production, Automated journalism, Hiperia, Narratives, Technology


Introduction: The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of journalism is transforming the profession and has revolutionized the way news is generated, distributed and consumed. Methodology: In addition to an exhaustive bibliographic review of the object of study, the qualitative-descriptive method was chosen. A content analysis of the Radio 3 Extra programme Hiperia was carried out and an in-depth interview was conducted with Tomás Fernando Flores, director of Radio 3 and head of the project. Results: Hiperia is a project that seeks to explore the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence. Discussions: It is necessary to reflect on the use of AI, emphasizing that technology can never replace human creation and that it must be understood as a tool that helps journalists in their work. Conclusions: AI is a tool that can make journalists' work easier, but it is urgent to address the ethical regulation of its use. It is also necessary for the media to invest in projects that allow them to explore the opportunities offered by this technology.


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Author Biography

Laura Zazo Correa, Francisco de Vitoria University

PhD in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and Accredited Doctor (ANECA), currently Director of the Degree in Digital Communication at the Francisco de Vitoria University. Master in Professional Multimedia Journalism, Master in Educational Support and Master in Humanities. Lecturer and researcher at the Francisco de Vitoria University. Her main line of research is the analysis of new narratives and media in the digital ecosystem, mainly in social networks.


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How to Cite

Zazo Correa, L. (2025). Application of Artificial Intelligence in Spanish media. Study of the ’Hiperia’ program on Radio 3 Extra. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.


