The Role of PBL in the development of communicative competencies in Education Students: a quantitative approach




Project-Based Learning, Communicative skills, Competency development, Inclusive education, Active methodologies, Education Degree, University, Didactics


Introduction: Communicative ability, crucial for future teachers, encompasses competencies such as adjusting discourse to foster empathy, establishing effective relationships, and adapting verbal, non-verbal, written, and oral communication. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is presented as an effective pedagogical methodology to develop transversal communicative skills. This research, conducted at the CEU San Pablo University, has three objectives: to theoretically examine the relevance of communicative competence for future teachers, to systematize the PBL methodology and apply it in Education degree programs, and to evaluate its impact. Methodology: A quantitative methodology was employed using an ad hoc questionnaire based on Likert scales, administered online to 71 Education degree students during the 2023-2024 academic year. Results: The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential techniques, revealing a high development of students' communication skills and a greater predisposition to use them in projects, as well as the ability to work in teams. Discussion: In conclusion, the PBL-based educational initiative has a positive and significant impact on promoting communicative skills among university students, facilitating their adaptation to other disciplinary areas in the academic environment. Conclusions: The systematization of the proposed didactic methodology facilitates its adaptation and application in other disciplinary areas.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Milán Fitera, Universidad San Pablo CEU

PhD in Education (Complutense University). Lecturer in Education Degrees (CEU San Pablo University), where he has also been director of the Education Degrees. Team facilitator (University of Mondragón). Personal Coach (Bureau Veritas). Architect (ETSAM). Manager in several educational centres and university lecturer in the Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education, in the Master's Degree in Secondary Teacher Training and in the Master's Degree in Educational Centre Management. Areas of research: general didactics, digital education, bullying prevention and personal accompaniment, on which he has published several research articles and on which he has given numerous training courses and workshops to managers and teachers of all educational stages. Author of the book Adolescentes hiperconectados y felices.

Héctor Reyes Martín, Francisco de Vitoria University

PhD in Neurosciences from the universities of Salamanca, León, Murcia and A Coruña and a degree in Physical Sciences from the UAM. Member of the Spanish Society of Neurology and the Royal Spanish Society of Physics. Lines of research related to science learning, the study of motivations and emotional balance and non-pharmacological dependencies. Publications in various national and international journals on medicine, psychology, education and physics.


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How to Cite

Gallego-Jiménez, M. G., Milán Fitera, A., & Reyes Martín, H. (2024). The Role of PBL in the development of communicative competencies in Education Students: a quantitative approach. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.

