Didactics of dramatic play for children in early education (3 to 6 years old) a proposal from applied theatre





Dramatic play, applied theater, childhood, simulation play, arts education, teacher training, early childhood development, early childhood education


Introduction: Dramatic play in early childhood education has traditionally been associated with costumes and makeup. However, it is proposed to re-signify it as a didactic tool that transcends the superficial and promotes the integral development of children. This research explores the potential of dramatic play from an educational perspective, emphasizing the creative process and the teacher's role as a guide, based on the principles of applied theater. Methodology: The study employs a phenomenological-hermeneutical methodology, focusing on the lived experience of student-teachers pursuing a degree in Performing Arts. Through class analysis, the implementation and evolution of dramatic play in the educational context are examined, observing the interaction of future teachers with this didactic resource. Results: The main findings highlight the need to re-signify dramatic play and strengthen the teacher's guidance in its application. Various phases of the teaching-learning process are identified, where dramatic play evolves from fictional space to joint creation. In this process, symbolic thinking, body expression, and creativity are fostered, allowing for a gradual complexity of the game. Discussion: The importance of reconfiguring the concept of dramatic play is discussed, extending its focus beyond the playful to exploration, discovery, and joint creation. The integration of applied theater not only enriches the pedagogical process but also broadens children's expressive field, allowing for deeper development in terms of creativity and reflection on their cultural environment. Conclusions: When didactically constructed, dramatic play becomes a valuable space to stimulate children's creative thinking and reflect on their cultural environment. By integrating axiological content, this approach fosters meaningful learning and contributes to children's social, emotional, and linguistic development.




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Author Biography

Diana Patricia Huertas Ruiz, National Pedagogic University

Professor Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Faculty of Fine Arts. Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts and Master's Degree in Art, Education and Culture. Researcher and university professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. Her research focuses on the arts in early childhood and educator training. Leader of the Rayuela Research Group.


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How to Cite

Huertas Ruiz, D. P. (2024). Didactics of dramatic play for children in early education (3 to 6 years old) a proposal from applied theatre. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1317



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