Narratives of Social Work professionals from reflective practices




Reflective practices, Professional narratives, Social work, Social intervention, Professional action, Interdiscipline, Collaboration, Reflective team


Introduction: This presentation addresses the importance of reflecting on practice and the narratives of social workers interviewed in the author's doctoral research. The aim was to identify the social imaginaries of reflective practice in social workers involved in direct intervention and the meaning they assign to it. Methodology: A qualitative descriptive methodology was used, employing in-depth interviews and focus groups. The analysis focused on the professionals' narratives, which were categorized using Atlas Ti, a qualitative analysis software tool that facilitated obtaining results and conclusions. Results: The narratives address reflections on professional practice, highlighting experiences with clients, ethical dilemmas, interdisciplinary collaboration, advocacy, and self-care. The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, effective communication, and coordination among professionals for providing person-centered, integrated care is emphasized. Discussion: The relevance of self-care and professional well-being is emphasized, highlighting strategies for maintaining health and resilience in a demanding job. The narratives also promote reflection on continuous learning and personal and professional growth in a challenging environment. Conclusions: The narratives of social workers offer valuable insights into the profession, promoting reflection on professional practices, continuous learning, and adaptation to diverse contexts that challenge their daily work.


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Author Biography

Paula Leiva Sandoval, University of the Americas

Social Worker and Master in Social Work from the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana - UTEM. PhD student in Social Work at the Universidad Rovira i Virgili. She has worked in the field of higher education, in institutional management positions, undergraduate professional training and research. She teaches on topics related to the disciplinary training of Social Work, socio-educational action, poverty, communication and teamwork, Social Work methodology, prevention, self-care and quality of life. Lines of interest and academic production: Youth, Professional training, Career paths and Life projects.


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How to Cite

Leiva Sandoval, P. (2025). Narratives of Social Work professionals from reflective practices. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences