European film noir. A round trip




crime cinema, film noir, Europe, crime films, hard boiled, crime, journalism


Introduction: This text reflects on how the different literary, journalistic and cinematographic narratives feed off each other in the development of the different noir cycles in the world. Methodology: A qualitative analysis methodology of the films cited in the text has been used. Results: The specific aspects that promoted the creation of the crime genre in cinema are developed, and more specifically the American film noir made by filmmakers who emigrated to the United States after the Great War. Discussion: The connection between the old and the new world is established, and how on a trip back to Europe the film noir of the forties finds its own codes in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy and Spain. Conclusions: It is shown that the influence on various aspects of crime cinema made in Europe once again influences the American neo-noir of the seventies and that in this round trip and that all this will affect Spanish crime cinema.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Robles Gutiérrez, University of Malaga

Rafael Robles Gutiérrez `Rafatal´ (Málaga, 1977) holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Málaga. He is currently an ANECA-accredited professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Málaga and a researcher at the “TRANSCOMUNICACIÓN” research group at SICA. His research and published texts focus on Spanish cinema during the Transition. He is also a screenwriter, director and film producer. He has won more than seventy awards for his fifteen films that have been distributed in Europe, Latin America, the USA and Canada. He is a regular contributor to radio, television and the written press. He has taught at CESUR PTA, in the Master of Film Direction at SchoolTraining Málaga, and at the EADE University Studies Centre.

Rocío De la Maya Retamar, Universidad de Málaga

She holds a PhD in Communication and has been teaching at the University of Malaga since 1994. She has two regional research projects and a six-year period with ANECA. She has been part of several research projects, including “New consumption versus old stereotypes” by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (National R&D Programme) and the “Observatory of the information treatment of gender violence” by the Andalusian Government. Among her knowledge transfer activities, she is a member of the Advisory Committee for the Evaluation of Aid for the Production of Feature Films of the Ministry of Culture of the Andalusian Government and the Selective Aid Committee of the ICAA.


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How to Cite

Robles Gutiérrez, R., & De la Maya Retamar, R. (2025). European film noir. A round trip. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.


