Audiovisual language in Primary Education: analysis of the Public School of Pre-school and Primary Education of Humilladero (Malaga)




audiovisual language, audiovisual communication, primary Education, public school, CEIP Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Humilladero, Málaga, education innovation


Introduction: Primary school teachers can and should take advantage of the possibilities of audiovisual language and the devices that support it. The public school Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Humilladero (Málaga) will be studied in order to find out how the audiovisual culture is being implemented in this school and what repercussions it is having. Methodology: The in-depth interview, together with the survey and the case study, make up the methodology. Results: Among the different proposals for the promotion of audiovisual language and culture, the recreation of scenes from series and films for the annual Film Day event and the adaptation of Tales in Verse for Wicked Children stand out. The impact of these activities on pupils is very positive, as shown by the fact that 94% of those surveyed would like to continue participating or participate for the first time in the filming of scenes for Film Day. Discussions: Audiovisual activities in primary education have positive effects, as other studies have also shown. Conclusions: The school in Humilladero is an example of the implementation of initiatives for the promotion of audiovisual culture and language, and has been doing so for a decade.


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Author Biography

María Rodríguez-López, University of Malaga

Postdoctoral researcher thanks to a Margarita Salas competitive grant for the training of young doctors from the Ministry of Universities, funded by the European Union-Next GenerationEU. Previously Predoctoral Researcher in Training thanks to a competitive grant from the Own Plan of the University of Malaga and Contracted Researcher with Charge to Projects also at the UMA. PhD in Outstanding Cum Laude Communication and International Doctorate. She won the Second Prize of the XVII Edition of the Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis 2021 of the Andalusian Studies Center Foundation (Junta de Andalucía). Her areas of research are communication management in organizations, mainly heritage communication management, as well as educational innovation and lobbying.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-López, M. (2025). Audiovisual language in Primary Education: analysis of the Public School of Pre-school and Primary Education of Humilladero (Malaga). European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


