Variations in the perception of interculturality among students in segregated and non-segregated schools. A case study




cultural diversity, immigration, youth, identity, interculturality, Strait of Gibraltar, foreign students, border


Introduction: This research carries out a comparative analysis of the perceptions regarding cultural diversity of adolescents from two public high schools in Algeciras (Cádiz), one with a high presence of students from Morocco and the other, on the contrary, with a minimal presence of this student body. Methodology: A questionnaire composed of four blocks (perceptions of cultural diversity, considerations on cultural diversity, considerations on aspects related to the processes of construction of their identities and vision of the future) was administered to 275 adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age. Results: There is a positive relationship between the experience of cultural diversity in the educational centre and the positive perception of it. Discussion: Living in a multicultural border environment does not seem to influence cultural identity. Pupils in the segregated school feel less identified with Spanish culture and less European, with religion being a significantly more important issue in the construction of their identities. Conclusions: In order to advance in the construction of a more intercultural society, we must make progress in the sense of belonging of segregated pupils and in reducing the perception of conflictive interculturality of pupils in the non-segregated school.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Rafael de Besa Gutiérrez, Universidad de Cádiz

He teaches in the area of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Cadiz. She has teaching experience in the degrees of Primary and Early Childhood Education and in master's degrees throughout her professional career. She has participated in several research projects at local, national and international level. He has more than a dozen articles published in national and international journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases and book chapters in prestigious national publishers (Octaedro, Dynkinson or Thomson Reuters Aranzadi). His main lines of research focus on the study of the variables that affect the learning process and the teacher-student relationship in the university context.

Cristina Goenechea, University of Cádiz

D. in Educational Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2004). She teaches at the Faculty of Education of the University of Cadiz (Spain) since 2007, currently as Professor in the Area of Didactics and School Organization, in the Department of Didactics. She has directed 3 research projects and participated in 16 others in regional, national and international competitive programs. She is co-author of 6 books and 35 articles and has presented the results of her research in more than 80 communications in congresses, seminars and symposia, most of them international. She has co-directed 5 doctoral theses. She is currently Coordinator of the Research Group Hum 936-Analysis of Exclusion and Socio-educational Opportunities.

Soukaina Belkat, University of Cádiz

PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Cadiz and the University Abdelmalek Essaâdi (Thesis in international co-supervision). Research interests: intercultural education, Islamophobia and inclusion of the Moroccan population. Teaching experience in migration, intercultural education and gender at the University Abdelmalek Essaâdi. Professional experience exercising intervention work with MENAs, Ex Tutelados and groups at risk for social exclusion, attending to the great demand of needs of the migrant population. Recent publication: Interculturality and identity in the southern border of Europe: the vision of its young inhabitants (2024), Goenechea, C., Machin Alvarez, M. & Belkat, S. Border Studies, 25.


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How to Cite

de Besa Gutiérrez, M. R., Goenechea, C., & Belkat, S. (2025). Variations in the perception of interculturality among students in segregated and non-segregated schools. A case study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.


