Influence of socio-labor conditions on teachers in Basic General Education




Sociolabor conditions, teaching, educational institution, General Basic Education


Introduction: The educational context faces diversity in modes of learning and teaching, requiring educational institutions to support both children and youth in their right to education. Educational adequacy depends on the performance of teachers, who face stress and burnout due to the high demands of their roles. Therefore, a positive work environment is crucial for teachers' motivation and satisfaction, directly impacting educational quality. Methodology: This is a quantitative research design. The sample consists of 1203 active teachers. The instrument used includes a questionnaire on personal and professional variables and a scale on Teacher Perception of Working Conditions. Results: The results show that teachers' working conditions are significantly influenced by gender, age, level of education, and economic responsibilities of these professionals. Discussion: Men and younger teachers appear to be more motivated and committed, while women and older teachers face greater emotional and family challenges. Conclusions: Improving the work environment in educational organizations is crucial to create environments where teachers can flourish professionally.


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Author Biographies

Inmaculada Ruiz Calzado, University of Córdoba

PhD in Social and Legal Sciences from the University of Cordoba. Master in Inclusive Education, Degree in Psychopedagogy and Special Education Teacher by the same university. Professor of the Department of Education at the University of Cordoba. Director of the ALL Service (Accessible Language Learning), guidance and counseling in language learning for students with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN). And member of the HUM-1021 research group: Attention to Diversity and Bilingual Education. The main professional, teaching and research lines are: Special Education; Inclusive Education; Burnout in specialists working in the field of Special Education; and foreign language learning (English) in students with SEN.

Julia Villacreses-Cantos, Universidad Tecnológica Ecotec

PhD candidate in Social and Legal Sciences from the University of Cordoba (Spain). Master in Higher Education: research and pedagogical innovations from Casa Grande University, and Bachelor in Systems Analysis from Universidad Laica Eloy Alfare de Manabí (Ecuador). Teacher at Universidad Tecnológica Ecotec. Expert in Virtual Teaching and Specialist in Diagnosis and Psychopedagogical Attention in Children with High Abilities. Her main professional, teaching and research lines are: Didactics, training and inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Calzado, I., & Villacreses-Cantos, J. (2025). Influence of socio-labor conditions on teachers in Basic General Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


