Towards a didactic methodology for teaching paremias in translation classrooms: The case of Arabic/Spanish




phraseological units, paremias, teaching resource, university students, strategies, classroom, translation, questionnaires


Introduction: This article aims to present and analyse some teaching strategies that help to incorporate phraseological units, in general, and paremias, in particular, to the teaching of subjects such as translation and interpretation, and to carry out an assessment of their effectiveness in terms of understanding, assimilation and retention by students. Methodology: among other strategies, the article proposes linguistic comparison between paremias of the language pair in question and the creation of glossaries. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies, students will be distributed in different groups and assigned specific strategies, while a level test before and after implementing the strategies will be taken into account to measure knowledge and paremia retention. Results: activation of questionnaires that help to reveal more about students' perceptions regarding the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed strategies. Discussions: comparative analysis of the results before and after the level test and the responses to the questionnaires. Conclusions: refinement of strategies, based on the results and feedback from students to improve the teaching of paremias.


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Author Biography

Moulay Lahssan Baya Essayahi, University of Granada

PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada (2002). Associate Professor in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the UGR. Director of the HUM – 835 Research Group “Translation, Knowledge and Culture” since 2011. Main lines of research: Journalistic Translation, Interpreting, Arabic Languages ​​and Dialectology, Arabic Sociolinguistics and the Arab-Andalusi Cultural Legacy. He has published three books and more than 50 articles and book chapters related to his main lines of research and has directed several doctoral theses, TFM and TFG, as well as being part of numerous thesis committees and professor selection committees.


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How to Cite

Baya Essayahi, M. L. (2025). Towards a didactic methodology for teaching paremias in translation classrooms: The case of Arabic/Spanish. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–13.


