Cooperative work in higher education: a didactic experience in Cell Biology Course, Santo Tomás University, Antofagasta (Chile)




Cooperative Work, Aronson Puzzle Technique, Active participation, Social skills, Team integration, Academic knowledge, Educational methodology, Santo Tomás University


Introduction: This educational experience focuses on cooperative work in the classroom using the Aronson Puzzle Technique (APT) or Jigsaw Puzzle. Methodology: The methodological design of this research is qualitative, with descriptive and interpretative aspects. Its objective is to analyze an experience of cooperative learning to explore new methodologies and observe how their application to small groups within a specific curricular area produces positive outcomes in the relationships between students and teachers. Results: A favorable reception towards APT was observed, with more active participation, smoother workflow compared to lecture-based classes, and improvements in group relations, social skills, team integration, and knowledge increase. Discussion: APT facilitates collaboration to achieve common goals, confronting diverse viewpoints and enhancing both social and academic competencies of students. Conclusion: APT can be an effective tool to promote an interactive and cooperative learning environment in the university setting, especially in health-related fields.


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Author Biography

Cinthia Lazcano Rojas, Saint Thomas Aquinas University

Professor of Biology and Natural Sciences, Bachelor of Education, University of Antofagasta (2007) and Master in Education with a mention in Pedagogy for Higher Education, Universidad Santo Tomás (2019), Chile. Assistant professor and Director of the Bachelor of Science Program, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile. Experience in the creation and implementation of innovative curricula that foster active learning and student motivation. Development of educational improvement strategies, and collaborating with parents and students to create positive learning environments. Publications: "Student Perception on the Return to Face-to-Face Classes After a Context of Virtuality due to Covid-19" (2024) and "Student Perception of the Bachelor of Science Facing Virtual Classes in a Pandemic" (2022).


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How to Cite

Lazcano Rojas, C. (2025). Cooperative work in higher education: a didactic experience in Cell Biology Course, Santo Tomás University, Antofagasta (Chile). European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


