Hazardous Prioritization Strategy for Chemical Products





environmental health, environmental mobility, chemical management strategies, green chemistry, chemical use policies, globally harmonized system, occupational Health, prioritization index


Introduction: The management of the safe use of chemical substances throughout their lifecycle is critical. Countries are strengthening their policies to improve chemical management. This study classifies and prioritizes industrial chemical substances (ICS) according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS), environmental mobility, and occupational health, aligning with national policies and promoting green chemistry. Methodology: For prioritization, methods categorizing substances by consumption, environmental mobility, occupational risks, and GHS were applied. Internal and external consumption data were used with CIIU industrial classifications and tariff codes, respectively, to understand the different uses and exposure forms of each substance. Results: The mobility of chemical substances: 26% water, 24% soil, 11% animal biota, 9% air, 14% plant biota. Dodecylbenzene and vinyl chloride are notable for their hazards and volatility. Discussion: The high mobility of substances like dodecylbenzene, vinyl chloride, and perchloroethylene requires strict controls. The latter is used in dry cleaning, causing cancer and health issues, affecting workers and communities. Conclusions: The study on the environmental mobility of chemical substances in Colombia highlighted data and policy deficiencies, emphasizing the need for improvements and possible global applications for risk management.


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Author Biographies

Saúl Martínez Molina, University of the Llanos

Saúl Martínez is a professor and researcher at the Universidad de los Llanos, he has extensive experience in consulting on environmental projects, demonstrating a career defined by his dedication and innovative approach. With training in Chemical Engineering and Master in Environmental Engineering from the National University of Colombia - Bogotá Campus, PhD student in Environmental Studies at the same University. Excels in project management, Globally Harmonized System, and in compliance with international regulations and standards, such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. In addition, it has extensive experience in solid waste management, laboratory operation, process simulation. , databases and measurement of physicochemical properties.

Oscar Javier Suarez Medina, National University of Colombia

As a Chemical Engineer MSc. I have more than 30 years of experience in the environmental area, especially in relation to hydrocarbons, combustion, atmospheric emissions, bioremediation processes for soils contaminated with hydrocarbons, Hazardous Waste - RESPEL, climate change and environmental management systems. In the field of RESPEL, he participated in the development of research, training, implementation of laboratory techniques to characterize RESPEL, chemical substances, national environmental regulations and a lot of experience in project management and interdisciplinary groups. In the environmental area he has been a consultant to the United Nations, several ministries and Environmental Manager of the National University at the Bogotá headquarters. It developed my teaching capacity in the area of ​​transport phenomena (heat, mass and momentum transfer), as well as in various environmental topics (atmospheric pollution, climate change and RESPEL), especially in the postgraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and Environmental of the National University of Colombia.


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How to Cite

Martínez Molina, S., & Suarez Medina, O. J. (2025). Hazardous Prioritization Strategy for Chemical Products. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1356

