Multidimensional intraregional poverty measure: empirical estimation for Perú




poverty, multidimensional poverty, capabilities approach, deprivation, vulnerability, poverty index, intraregional, Peru


Introduction: In Latin America, the geographical and socieconomic disparity, together with the Covid-19 pandemic, have pushed masses of households into multidimensional poverty in the short term and Peru has not been immune to this effect. The objective of the study is to develop a measure of intraregional multidimensional poverty under the methodological framework of Alkire and Foster and from there analyze and compare the incidence and intensity of poverty at the subnational level. Methodology: Uses the quantitative approach and descriptive, analytical and comparative methods, with data from the National Household Surver (ENAHO) from de period 2018 to 2020.  Results: Concentration of poverty in the mountains and jungle, the pandemic increases poverty on the coast and in cities with greater economic and population concentration such as Metropolitan Lima. The intensity of poverty remained constant during the study period. Discussions: The health insurance indicator is not useful for measuring poverty.  Conclusions:  The MPI es a more effective measure to evaluate and compare poverty at an intraregional rather tan a national level. The Department of Puno located in the Peruvian highlands reduced poverty in 2020 despite the economic contraction generated by the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Lieslie Gallegos Arias, Universidad Católica San Pablo

Economist engineer, Master in International Business from Pompeu Fabra University, Spain. She has postgraduate studies in quantitative and qualitative research. She is certified in competencies for the formulation and management of research projects from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. With more than fifteen years as a supervisor, consultant and director of investment, productive and social projects at the national level. Currently, he is coordinator of the research group Poblaciones Vulnerables y en Riesgo and full-time assistant professor at the Universidad Católica San Pablo.

Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso, Catholic University of Ávila

PhD in Law and Economics (2019, CEU-San Pablo), he holds a degree in Law and in Business Administration and Management, with a Master's degree in Environment and Sustainable Development. Accredited by ANECA, he has excelled in research on taxation, digital currencies, financial inclusion and entrepreneurship, with more than 100 scientific publications. He has received prestigious awards for his articles and has participated in 16 European and local research projects. In addition, he has held various administrative roles at the Catholic University of Avila and has undertaken international academic stays.

Javier Jorge-Vázquez, Catholic University of Ávila

D. in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the Catholic University of Avila, Spain. He is director of the DEKIS Research Group. His research interests include the impact of the digital economy on society from different approaches: economic development, new business models, entrepreneurship and digital currencies. He has published extensively in leading journals in his field, for which he has received several awards. He has led several international research projects. He is a member of the Digital Euro Association, an academic member of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics and a full member of the Gran Duque de Alba Institution.


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How to Cite

Gallegos Arias, L., Náñez Alonso, S. L., & Jorge-Vázquez, J. (2024). Multidimensional intraregional poverty measure: empirical estimation for Perú. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



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