Bibliographic compilation about photography and its application in the arts and social sciences




photography, social sciences, bibliography compilation, science popularization, information sources, research groups, grey literature, scientific journals


Introduction: This study seeks to make a bibliographic approach to the scientific literature on photography, its concept, history and applications to identify and facilitate a bibliographic relationship of studies on photography in the social sciences. The specific objectives are: a) to analyze key works on photography, b) to examine various sources of information, c) to identify related scientific journals, d) to investigate national academic field, and e) to review popular science. Methodology: The methodology includes content and comparative analysis of the scientific literature, focusing on sources such as reference works on the evolution of photography, theoretical and technical studies, publications on its values and applications, scientific journals, university research and documentation of conferences and seminars. Results and Discussions: The results reflect a great thematic and disciplinary diversity in the scientific literature on photography. Conclusions: It is concluded that the consolidation of photography as a crucial element in society has generated a boom in editorial projects, meetings, congresses and studies from various disciplines and theoretical perspectives.


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Author Biography

María-Begoña López-Ávila, University of Granada

PhD in Social Sciences, in the line of Information and Scientific Communication from the University of Granada. With a degree in Library Science and Documentation, a degree in Art History and a Master in Information and Scientific Communication from the University of Granada, she has received several awards and research grants for her academic performance. Her areas of research are new information and communication technologies in photographic heritage. She is author and co-author of articles indexed in databases of impact, as well as book chapters in prestigious international and national publishers. She currently teaches in the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Granada.


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How to Cite

López-Ávila, M.-B. (2025). Bibliographic compilation about photography and its application in the arts and social sciences. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences