Female leadership for sustainability: green, cultural and social impact of the world's best sportswomen





digital communications, social entrepreneurship, sustainability, responsibility, personal branding, women, talent management, stakeholder


Introduction: Female activism and social responsibility seem to be unnoticed but carries a profound impact on community, business, and green legacy. This research aims to analyze the digital communication practices and ethical initiatives of worldwide top female athletes, with a focus on their international brand image. By studying their online presence and engagement, we will explore convergences and divergences between genders in terms of talent revenue and personal branding. Methodology: Our work provides insights into how these sportswomen interact on the internet-based landscape, their approaches to global leadership, and the causes they support. The applied methodology involves a comparative analysis of top athletes by gender and categories to contrast diversity. Statistical techniques, including ANOVA and regression analysis, are employed to examine the data and derive meaningful insights, finding their remarkable influence beyond their exceptional performance in sports. Results: Sportswomen harness the power of online visibility as a strategical tool to amplify their influence and drive social change, leveraging their talent to go beyond the economic returns of their professional performance.Discussions and findings: The current study discloses how sportspeople serve as role models, exhibiting good practices and leading by example to benefit the community. Their dedication to sustainability, both in terms of people's well-being and the preservation of our planet for future generations, is evident in their actions. Their brand image transcends their athletic achievements, reflecting their commitment, responsibility, and entrepreneurship towards the interests of the community. Their influence extends far beyond the surface, leaving a lasting and positive effect on stakeholders.


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Author Biography

Rocío Torres Mancera, University of Malaga

Psychologist and International Industrial Doctor in Communication with a guest research stay held at the University of Oxford. Executive MBA by IE Business School, Master Degrees in Business Communication and Advertising, HR Management, Local Economic Development and Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication (Extraordinary Award). Researcher and teaching collaborator with stays also in the Netherlands, Portugal and Mexico. Currently, her research work is supported by the Margarita Salas Scholarship at the University of Granada. She has more than 20 years of professional experience and collaborates in European Erasmus + Projects for the international culture of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Torres Mancera, R. (2025). Female leadership for sustainability: green, cultural and social impact of the world’s best sportswomen. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1361




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