Artificial Intelligence and virtual assistants: use and impact on learning and project development of undergraduate and graduate students in a faculty in southeastern Mexico




artificial intelligence, learning, academic achievement, students projects, self-instruction, higher education, computer science, university students


Introduction: The objective was to learn about the use of various artificial intelligence (AI) tools in higher education students and identify how they perceive them. Methodology: A descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional quantitative study was carried out with 152 students of Information Technology. Results: Students are not yet very familiar with chatbots or smart speakers for self-directed learning and do not consider themselves able to design an AI project without help. They consider intelligent virtual assistants to be clear and straightforward and that their performance would increase with AI in their subjects. Discussion: It is proposed that AI tools be implemented in higher-level subject programs to strengthen students' study techniques, that the AI projects developed by students be linked to their disciplines, and that there should be an adaptation to the curricula and faculty supervision to propitiate profitable exploitation. Conclusions: Limited adoption vs positive perception, Potential for improved academic performance, Training and skills development, Safety and confidence in using AI, and Opportunity for educational innovation.


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Author Biographies

Martha Patricia Silva Payró, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Graduated from the Doctorate in Educational Administration, obtaining the degree with honors. Member of the National System of Researchers Level 1 of the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology. She has participated in the development of research projects, articles, book chapters and papers in national and international events. Member of the State System of Researchers since 2009. Recognition of the Desirable Profile since 2013 from the Ministry of Education. Professional certification valid until 2027 from the National Association of Faculties of Accounting and Administration (ANFECA). In the formation of human resources, he has participated in the direction of undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses.

Rafael Mena de la Rosa, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Graduated from the Doctorate in Educational Technology. Master's Degree in Information Technology Administration and Bachelor's Degree in Computer Systems. Member of the State System of Researchers of the Council of Science and Technology of the State of Tabasco. Recognized with the desirable profile PRODEP of the Mexican Ministry of Public Education. Current professional certification from the National Association of Faculties of Accounting and Administration (ANFECA). Participant in articles, book chapters and papers in various national and international events.

Rubicel Cruz Romero, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

Graduated with a Master's degree in Administration and a degree in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. Specialized studies in Mathematics at Universidad La Salle. He has completed seven diplomas in various areas of knowledge such as statistics, financial education, to name a few. He has a certification in mobile app development sponsored by Google and the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked in various areas of the administrative sector under the educational approach such as Faculty Director, Secretary of Administrative Services. He has participated in the development of research projects, articles, book chapters and papers in national and international events. He has been recognized with the Desirable Profile since 2012 by the Ministry of Education.


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How to Cite

Silva Payró, M. P., Mena de la Rosa, R., & Cruz Romero, R. (2025). Artificial Intelligence and virtual assistants: use and impact on learning and project development of undergraduate and graduate students in a faculty in southeastern Mexico. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20.



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