Research on homophobia in rural Andalusian classrooms




Homophobia, Hate Crimes against Sexual Orientation, Organic Law that modifies the Organic Law of Education, Compulsory Secondary Education, sociodemographic variables, rural education, Citizen Educational Competition, Andalusia


Introduction: The role of a teacher must be to transmit and evaluate the skills assimilated among his students. The citizen competence defined by Organic Law 3/2,020, of December 29, aims to educate responsible citizens who develop critical thinking. The increase in Hate Crimes against Sexual Orientation in our country questions the assimilation of this competence, with rural Andalusian educational contexts being the most affected by homophobic behavior. Methodology: A Homophobia Test was administered in rural educational contexts in two Andalusian provinces, analyzing high, medium grade or the absence of homophobia among students and compared to the variable age and sex. Results: The results demonstrate a high and medium degree of homophobia among the students surveyed between the ages of 12 and 14 and in the male sex variable. Discussions: The possible causes of this situation are analyzed and compared with the degree of assimilation of civic competence in these students.Conclusions: This study on homophobia demonstrates the educational reality of rural areas and how the presence of homophobia prevents the acquisition of skills among students. It is educational work to ensure people who are free and devoid of prejudices.


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Author Biographies

José Pablo Rodríguez Gobiet, University of Granada

Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education in French and PhD student in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. University of Granada. Granada, Spain.

Degree in French Philology from the University of Granada. Master's Degree in Spanish Language Teacher Training at the International University of Valencia. Participation in educational research projects of the Junta de Andalucía. She has been awarded three prizes by Educaixa of the La Caixa Foundation for her teaching work and has coordinated and participated in transversal education projects for diverse education in affective-sexual matters in the classroom. She has published several articles on the current situation of homophobia in rural classrooms in Andalusia. He has participated in various conferences, talks and lectures at university level, giving a session in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the University of Granada.

Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez, University of Granada

PhD in Psychology, Degree in Psychology, Degree in Labour Sciences. Lecturer at the University of Granada. Participation in research projects. Coordinator of advanced teaching innovation project on affective-sexual, corporal and gender diversity. Author of books and articles in scientific journals and papers at conferences. Participates in research project on affective-sexual and gender diversity. He has coordinated the advanced innovation project ‘Transversal education for affective diversity. She received one of the Research Awards of the General Foundation of the University of Malaga. She received the ‘William James Innovation Award for Psychopedagogical Innovation’ (Universidade do Minho, Portugal) for her contribution related to the attention to affective-sexual, corporal and gender diversity.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gobiet, J. P., & Morales Rodríguez, F. M. (2024). Research on homophobia in rural Andalusian classrooms. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.




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