Three spheres in art and one function




art, construction site, artist, creative process, art market, biography, art sphere, function of art


Introduction: The functions of art can be varied, but they always depend on human creativity, through which humans evolve in all their facets. Objective: In order to delve into the nature of art and to determine if it has a function, this study explores the analysis from three spheres considered relevant to distinguish the artwork and its creative process, the artist, and the art market. Methodology: The observation approach towards the three spheres is made from the distinction between the artist and his biography, between the work and his creative process, and between the work and the art market. The comparison between the work of some artists and their objectives allows us to focus precisely on the differences that are established between one sphere and another. Results: The delimitation of the three spheres from the illustration of artistic work and the reflection on the core of art, provide a specific approach that guides towards a deeper perspective of the reflection of art, and from other disciplines such as philosophy, for which adds a digression on the way the artistic form dilutes the philosophical argument. Conclusions: The distinction between the spheres of art was important to delve into the depths of the subject and contribute to the exercise of documentary and artistic exploration.


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Author Biography

Sonia Viramontes Cabrera, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas"

A professor for 29 years at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, she holds a degree in Economics and studied a Master's degree and a PhD in Philosophy and History of Ideas. She has served as Head of the Bachelor's Degree in Art, a program that she also designed with a large group of university colleagues. Since 2003, she has taught a diploma in Art Appreciation and Criticism that is offered to various audiences who are interested in the subject. She currently works as Secretary of Cultural Activities in the Academic Personnel Union of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Her research topics are aesthetics, art, literature and myth.


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How to Cite

Viramontes Cabrera, S. (2025). Three spheres in art and one function. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–13.



Humanism and Social Sciences