Civil responsibility and family immunity




civil liability, family inmunity, family harmony, intramural damages, integral reparation of the damage, family intimacy, legal-affective bonds, family solidarity


Introduction: This paper seeks to determine whether family immunity is a sufficient argument to dismiss civil liability actions between relatives, when the tortfeasor is a member of the family group. Methodology: The dogmatic method will be used mainly, without prejudice to allude in some cases to comparative legislation, without the latter being the main method of research. Results: There is broad consensus on the application of the rules of civil liability in the event of harm between family members, abandoning the ideas that limited their application on the grounds of family immunity or the privacy of the home.  Discussions: It has been argued that in family law there is a self-sufficiency in the remedies contemplated to resolve conflicts within the family group, discarding the origin of the rules of civil liability, in view of the fact that a litigation could compromise the good relations within the family group, ruling out the applicability of civil liability rules, since litigation could jeopardize good relations within the family group. Conclusions: The principle of full reparation of the damage justifies its application, regardless of who is the agent of the damage, to the extent that it is an affectation of subjective rights or legally protected interests of any of the members of the family group.


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Author Biography

Camila Astudillo González, Saint Thomas Aquinas University

Lawyer and academic of Civil Law, Master of Law from the Catholic University of the North, Chile; Master in Family and Child Law from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; PhD candidate from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain.


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How to Cite

Astudillo González, C. (2025). Civil responsibility and family immunity. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–11.



Humanism and Social Sciences