Study of the variation of octane rating by blending extra, super and octane-boosting additive in Ecuador




Fuel mixture, Octane, FTIR, Octanometer, 95-RON gasoline, Gasoline 85-RON, Gasoline 87-RON, Ecuador


Introduction: The use of gasoline worldwide continues to grow, impacting the economy and geopolitics. In Ecuador, gasoline is marketed with different RON: Extra (85), Eco País (87) and Super (95). The octane variation of gasoline blends and the addition of octane-enhancing additives were evaluated. Methodology: The experiments were conducted at the Esmeraldas State Refinery using a spark type Octanometer, three types of samples were considered: blends of Extra with Super, Eco País with Super, and Extra with additives, the information obtained was added to the database of the FTIR method to identify the RON in a faster and more accurate way. Results: The FTIR results were 99% consistent with the Octanometer. Gasoline blends showed variations in RON, while the addition of additives to 85-RON gasoline only increased RON by 1.9 in one case. Discussion: Although this work is not comparable to others, due to the characteristics of gasoline in Ecuador, we believe it is necessary to move on to the study of the different blends by measuring other parameters such as MON and oxygenated compounds. Conclusions: The fuel blends in different blends provide a technical alternative for the consumer. In addition, the rapid analysis test was improved with a curve consistent with the spark octanometer method.


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Author Biographies

Grace Morillo Chandi, Central University of Ecuador

Chemical Engineer with more than ten years of experience in the oil industry, specializing in the areas of operations, production, quality and supply chain management. She has held positions such as Assistant Manager of Refining Operations and Production Planning and Scheduling Specialist at EP-Petroecuador. Currently, she is a professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Central University of Ecuador. She holds a Master's Degree in Administration and Organizational Management and is pursuing a PhD in Education and Innovation. She has completed various continuing education courses, including Design Thinking and Digital Transformation, and has skills in technical and administrative problem solving, leadership and execution of investment projects.

Morayma Muñoz, University of Alicante

Chemical Engineer with a master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alicante and a PhD student at the same University. Professionally, she has worked in an office with more than fourteen chemical engineering projects since 2018, also as a teacher of Transport Phenomena at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Central University of Ecuador, she has participated in three research projects at the University. As a researcher, he has studied the use of analytical pyrolysis for the characterization of secondary raw materials from agro-industrial waste, and the analysis and study of SBA and P123 using different techniques; kinetic studies of thermal reactions using kinetic models, exploring the potential of these materials as value-added materials.

Luis Miguel Freire Cárdenas, Empresa de Hidrocarburos del Ecuador – EP Petroecuador

Chemical Engineer, Master in Safety, Industrial and Environmental Hygiene, with 11 years of experience in the industry, his career covers the hydrocarbon value chain and energy generation. He has led work teams in refining center operations, business strategic planning, cost evaluation and financial control. Among his achievements, he has supervised projects for the implementation of comparative performance evaluations and benchmarking, evaluating the performance of organizations and the impact of projects according to international methodologies. His passion for technical research has led him to specialize in experimental design and data analysis. He is committed to innovation and process optimization to ensure compliance with the highest quality standards.

Marco Rosero Espín, Central University of Ecuador

Chemical Engineer with a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, he has submitted the doctoral thesis prior to obtaining the title of Doctor in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alicante. He has been Director of the Chemical Engineering Degree and Subdean of the same Faculty, and is currently Director of the GIIP research group. He has written three books, four scientific articles, has two patent registrations, four copyrights, directed two research projects and won second and third place in the Universidad Central award in 2020 and 2021. Professionally, he worked for EP Petroecuador from 2008 to 2015, and also heads an office with more than fourteen chemical engineering projects since 2010.


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How to Cite

Morillo Chandi, G., Muñoz, M., Freire Cárdenas, L. M., & Rosero Espín, M. (2025). Study of the variation of octane rating by blending extra, super and octane-boosting additive in Ecuador. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.

