Contemporary art and education: a review of the literature on classroom research projects




contemporary art, primary education, learning; educational inclusion, social and cultural diversity, interdisciplinarity, didactics, critical thinking


Introduction: The present study is oriented from documentary research with a bibliographic method for the collection of information, processing and presentation of results. From this approach, it seeks to explore and analyze the relationship between contemporary art and primary education as an object of study within a documentary corpus to establish relationships and statements that allow its understanding in the context determined by the research objectives. Methodology: three phases are developed in which the primary and secondary sources of information are identified, the information is analyzed with the content analysis technique and the theoretical assumptions are established to interpret and affirm categorical according to the determined objectives. Results: reveal that the integration of contemporary art in primary education benefits the development of critical competencies such as critical thinking, creativity, and cultural empathy, and faces challenges that require in-depth analysis. Discussion and conclusion: the research concludes that the literature review shows that contemporary art is fundamental despite the limitations, such as the lack of specific teacher training and the availability of resources, the potential benefits are sufficient to support inclusion in educational programmes.


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Author Biography

Yolanda Vives, University of Lleida

Art historian and PhD candidate in the PhD program in Education, Society and Quality of Life in the line of research: Inclusive Education and Education through community contexts at the University of Lleida. She completed a Bachelor's degree in Art History (University of Lleida, Spain) and completed the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP), at the Faculty of Education, Complutense University of Madrid. In her professional career, she has worked as an educator in the educational department of the Fundación la Caixa de Lleida and has coordinated the contemporary art collection of the Sorigué Foundation in Lleida. In her thesis: "Learning processes through contemporary art: An analysis of educational projects in contexts of social and cultural diversity", she seeks an approach to the pedagogical and methodological possibilities offered by contemporary art in the classroom to engage with differences in school contexts. She is currently collaborating in the 2022 call for “Knowledge Generation Projects” of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, in the project “Photo-elicitation as an inclusive educational strategy to address school absenteeism: multiple case study with difficult-performing centers (FotoEdu)”.


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How to Cite

Vives, Y. (2025). Contemporary art and education: a review of the literature on classroom research projects. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.


