



cultural and artistic heritage, religion, cultural identity, places of memories, Our Lady of the Fetal, appearances, Portugal


The results presented in this text come from the research that we are carrying out on a Portuguese town, called Reguengo do Fetal, its cultural heritage and its local identity building. This town is located in the Batalha municipality, Portugal, and is nationally known for the Pilgrimage in Honor of the “Nossa Senhora do Fetal”, in which the snails processions stand out.

As in other Catholic communities, of which we can highlight Fátima, a Marian sanctuary known throughout the world, also in the case of the “Reguengo do Fetal”, its religious life, is a component of the community's cultural experiences, began with the appearance of the Virgin Mary. The miracle granted by it, is at the origin of the community and the most significant local cultural heritage, both material and immaterial. This heritage also marks the most important places of memory for the locals.

The fieldwork with participant observation, in a broad sense, was fundamental to the development of this study. Our objective was to study the main local cultural heritage, and the strategies for their appropriation, for the construction and external affirmation of the affective feelings of belonging to “Reguengo do Fetal”, in the globalized world of the 21st century.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Magalhães, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

Fernando Magalhães has been a professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria since 2000, and a researcher at CRIA - Networked Center for Research in Anthropology, at ISCTE. He holds a PhD in anthropology, specializing in museology and heritage, from ISCTE-IUL - Lisbon. His research interests lie in the areas of social and cultural anthropology in general, museology, cultural heritage and tourism. His publications include “Museums, Heritage and Identity: Ritual, Education, Conservation, Research, Exhibition”, and “In search of a place in Europe: heritage in discourses about Leiria and its regions”. He has collaborated with Brazilian and Spanish colleagues on publications such as “Museology and Heritage” and “Essays on Memory”, as well as having published articles in international journals.

José Vicente, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

José Duque Vicente holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, a Postgraduate Degree in Social Intervention, a Master's Degree in Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Sociology from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a PhD in Social Work from ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon. He is a Professor at the Higher School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. He is dedicated to teaching and research and has several publications in national and international specialized magazines. His research interests are in the area of ​​social intervention with people with addictive behaviors; Social Service and Models of Well-being in Children and Youth, Social Exclusion and Social Reintegration; education and community development and social intervention through the arts.


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How to Cite

Magalhães, F., & Vicente, J. (2025). Religion:. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.



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