Research with…, a system thought from relational ontology




investigation, become with, relational ontology, system, individuation, action, stake, human being-being origin


Introduction: Colegiatura Colombiana higher education institution understands education as a process of interiority, a mode of subjectivation through which the subject folds the outside for a significant learning process from self-determination. From this perspective, research as an action to create knowledge requires a model with conceptual coherence. Methodology: The qualitative research whose results are presented involved three phases of methodological design, strategies and instruments used to record, construct and relate the information of the research process with... in Tuition. Results: The main findings are oriented from three perspectives: the first of theoretical order from relational ontology, the second with the conceptual horizon of action-participation research and the third with the architecture of processes that led to the construction of a system that allows management of investigating with… Discussions: Finally, it was a systematic process of grouping, hierarchizing and reticularizing the research work of the institution, mapping problematic issues, highlighting the powers within the framework of posthuman knowledge from relational ontology and participation action research for the transfer of knowledge and social innovation. Conclusion: a relevant research system for Tuition is obtained.


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Author Biography

Fernando Castro Torres, Colegiatura Colombiana

PhD. in Human and Social Sciences, Master in Communications, Journalist and Historian. He has taught at national and international universities and is currently director of Investigar con.... at Colegiatura Colombiana and professor at the University of Antioquia and the National University of Colombia. His research career includes the publication of the book: El presente que nos habita: análisis del mundo contemporáneo y de la comunicación digital, as well as several articles and book chapters, including publications in international journals: Modos de individuación en el presente digitalizado: conexión, interacción y personalización, Modelo teórico metodológico para la acción creativa and La comunicación digital como forma de existencia del sujeto contemporáneo.


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How to Cite

Castro Torres, F. (2025). Research with…, a system thought from relational ontology. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.



Research and Artificial Intelligence