Attitudinal evolution regarding COVID-19 policies in Europe: A Social Psychology Analysis




Sociology, conformance checking, attitudes, Globalization, POLICIES, sociodemographic variables, COVID-19, EUROPE


Introduction: From March 2020 to the end of 2022, the World Health Organization implemented various policies in what they described as a justified fight against a terribly deadly disease, COVID-19. These policies could not be criticized, and the few criticisms were silenced. However, the different countries of Europe, and especially their societies, responded in different ways to measures that affected physical health, mental health, and the economy. Methodology: This paper conducts a literature review, using secondary sources to compare statistical data according to the research question. Results: The review identifies phases of propaganda at the communication level, attitudinal responses, and engagement from different audiences. Discussion: The same global measures elicited different attitudinal responses depending on cultural substrata. Conclusions: Different attitudinal responses were identified both across countries within the same continent and across phases within the same country.


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Author Biography

Rubén Tamboleo, Carlos III University of Madrid

Professor of Sociology at UAM and UC3M. Tutor Professor of Sociology and Political Science and Administration with Venias Docendi UNED. Formerly Professor of Sociology UVa and UCM and Full Time Researcher URJC. Official teaching in 20 subjects and 10 different degrees. Director of the Sociology Manual. Visiting Researcher at the Universities of Liverpool and Vienna. Researcher COST Network, leader of the Working Group project CA20112 and member of the Management Committee CA17132 and CA21133. Researcher in Teaching Innovation and in other Horizon projects such as REMINDER. Senior Consultant and Project Manager for Training, HR and Public Affairs. Analyst for more than 25 media. Speaker in more than 61 International Congresses. Director of 8 International Congresses held in Panama, Toluca de Lerdo, Caracas, Valdepeñas and Madrid.


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How to Cite

Tamboleo, R. (2024). Attitudinal evolution regarding COVID-19 policies in Europe: A Social Psychology Analysis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.

