The contribution of institutions in teaching innovation projects in communication and public relations




teaching, innovation, institutions, participation, comunication, companies, museums, hospitals


Introduction: Teaching innovation at the University has become a necessity in the face of the rapid and versatile changes occurring in our environment. Since the arrival of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), innovation has become part of the daily life of teachers and students. Methodology: This work aims to describe and analyze how two of these projects ("University and Society: communication, integration and collaboration with companies and public institutions and non-profit organizations" and "Muse_Com. Museums and University"), contribute to the improvement of learning through innovation. Specifically, these projects are developed in undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Advertising and Public Relations. For this purpose, we use the case study methodology, which is widely used in the social sciences. Results: The results hope to provide information that may be of interest to both teachers and institutions and of course, to students. Through this comparative case study, the aim is to offer a tool for the development of competences in the university environment. Discussion: The evaluation and impact of these activities on students, which after years of experience with these projects, are presented as a valuable tool.


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Author Biographies

María Teresa García Nieto, Complutense University of Madrid

University Professor, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Organizational Communication (UCM). Degree in Information Sciences, and in Political Sciences and Sociology UCM. D. in Information Sciences, with research sufficiency of the Doctorate in Psychology. She is principal investigator of several research and educational innovation projects. She has supervised 15 doctoral theses, two of them with extraordinary prize, as well as doctoral research and TFM in several national and international universities. He combines his teaching and research tasks with consultancy and advisory work in communication. Member of the University Degree Evaluation Committees of ACSUCYL, AQU and AVAP. Member of the Health Network of Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

Mónica Viñarás Abad, Complutense University of Madrid

PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Permanent Professor in the Department of Applied Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. Accredited to full professor, she has two sexenios of research. Her lines of work are the management of corporate communication and intangibles in organizations, with special attention to Corporate Social Responsibility and vulnerable audiences. She is part of national and European research projects. She is part of two research groups, ComR: Responsible Communication and Vulnerable Audiences; and UCM Brand Lab: Innovation in brand neurocommunication for the management of organizational intangibles.

Davinia Martín Critikián, Universidad San Pablo CEU

PhD in Communication from the University Camilo José Cela. From 2017 to 2022 I have been working at San Pablo CEU University combining teaching with management and research. I am currently living in Indonesia from where I continue my research facet. My research interests are communication trends, consumer behavior and social media. Prior to my teaching experience at San Pablo CEU University, I worked at the International University of La Rioja, developing unpublished curricula and teaching online classes.


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How to Cite

García Nieto, M. T., Viñarás Abad, M., & Martín Critikián, D. (2025). The contribution of institutions in teaching innovation projects in communication and public relations. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.


