Decalogue to identify red flags in fitness content




literacy, social networks, sexism, physical exercise, sport, disinformation, influencers, infodemic


Introduction: Social media has transformed the way sports and fitness-related content is communicated and consumed. Athletes and clubs use these platforms, while the fitness industry employs apps in their marketing strategies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of social media for exercising grew due to the confinement. Methodology: This article is based on an analysis of the #Yoentrenoencasa community on Instagram, focused on identifying risks associated with fitness content, such as gender stereotypes and the spread of unreliable information. Results: The analysis revealed the existence of risks in fitness-related content, such as the perpetuation of unrealistic beauty standards and the difficulty in verifying the quality of information. Discussion: The implications of the irresponsible use of social media in the dissemination of fitness content are discussed, highlighting how this can affect users' perception of health and body image. Conclusions: A set of guidelines is proposed to identify "red flags" in fitness content, encouraging digital literacy and promoting more responsible use of social media in the context of physical exercise.


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Author Biographies

Claudia López López, Universidade da Coruña

PhD candidate in Sports Science, Physical Education, and Healthy Physical Activity at the University of A Coruña (UDC). Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Science (2017) and holds a Master's in Secondary Education Teaching (2019) from UDC. She also holds a Master's in Sports Communication and Journalism from the European University of Madrid (2018) and a Master's in Sports Marketing and Social Media Management of Sports Entities from Esneca Business School (2019). She completed a research stay at the Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto (2022). Her current line of research focuses on promoting physical activity through social media, from a gender perspective.

Cristina López Villar, Universidade da Coruña

Tenured Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the University of A Coruña (UDC). PhD in Physical Activity and Sports Science from the University of Vigo. Her current line of research focuses on the feminist perspective applied to Sports Science. She has published various books and articles, including Features of Femininity: Sportswomen in the Spanish Sporting Press, 1893-1923 in Feminist Media Studies.


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How to Cite

López López, C., & López Villar, C. (2024). Decalogue to identify red flags in fitness content. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



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