Quality assurance processes in higher education: a systematic review





quality assurance, higher education, universities, systematic review, university quality management, organisation, students, teachers


Introduction: This study undertakes a systematic literature review to evaluate quality assurance processes in higher education. It addresses the identification, description and synthesis of key research in the area, seeking to establish an effective and replicable standard of educational quality. Methodology: it is structured in four key stages: identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. Starting with the formulation of a research question and the search of prominent databases such as ERIC and Scopus, algorithms and Boolean operators were used to filter relevant studies. Selection continued with rigorous screening using Rayyan - QCRI software, followed by a detailed assessment of the quality and methodological relevance of the articles using tools such as STROBE and CASPE. Results and Discussion: Critical factors such as intellectual competence formation, leadership in the implementation of student policies and effective management of teaching time were highlighted. The importance of informational approaches to strengthen decision-making and improve the governance of educational institutions was emphasised. Conclusions: The study contributes significantly to the understanding and improvement of quality assurance processes in higher education. It provides a solid basis for future research and the development of innovative and effective educational practices, highlighting the need for a systematic and well-informed approach to educational quality management.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Rincón Moreno, University of La Salle

PhD. in Humanities, Humanism and Person, DBA(c) in Administration, Master in Administration and Business Administration, University Professor, management sciences academic, consultant in quality and management of higher education.

Nancy Gordillo-Ramírez, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Master's Degree in Marketing Management, Specialist in International Business Management and Commercial Business Administrator, University Professor, academic in organizational management sciences, consultant in higher education management and business management.


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How to Cite

Rincón Moreno, M., & Gordillo-Ramírez, N. (2025). Quality assurance processes in higher education: a systematic review. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1429

