Agreements on university quality in the European Higher Education Area and their application in Spain




European Higher Education Area, Quality assurance, Higher education, educational legislation, Higher education ministerial conference, Bologna process, European Union, University Quality


Introduction: Since the establishment of the European Higher Education Area with the Sorbonne Declaration in Paris in 1998, a significant change has occurred in the conception of Higher Education in Europe. The implementation of the agreements reached has resulted in a realignment of the institutions responsible for higher education in our country, as well as the establishment of a quality control system. The objective of the present study is to analyze the level of compliance with the agreements reached in the EHEA in Spain, as well as the mechanisms employed for this purpose. Methodology: A review of the reports and documents derived from the Conferences of Ministers through double-blind peer review was conducted, seeking their reflection in the Spanish legislation published by official means. Results: There is a general alignment of the agreements reached in the EHEA applied in Spain, with pending actions related to research, reduction of inequality, and lifelong learning, among others. Discussions: The implementation of the EHEA agreements has been generally fulfilled in Spain, with observed benefits in the development and potential of the Spanish University System. However, there are still objectives to be met and application difficulties to be resolved.


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Author Biographies

Sara Puig-Pérez, Valencian International University

Professor and Vice-Dean of Social and Health Sciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the International University of Valencia. PI of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Research Group (HEQA) and the Psychology and Quality of Life Research Group. She collaborates as an expert in the evaluation of research projects, monographs and academic quality in different agencies. Graduate in Psychology, Master's Degree in Basic and Applied Neurosciences, Master's Degree in Evaluation and Quality Management in Higher Education, Double Master's Degree in MBA & Project Management, Master's Degree in Team Management and PhD in Neurosciences. She has two sexenios, more than 15 research projects, more than 30 scientific articles, and more than 50 papers presented at conferences.

Patricia Castellanos-Pineda, Valencian International University

Professor and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Communication at the International University of Valencia. Member of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Research Group (HEQA), International University of Valencia, and IP of the Communication, Networks and Citizenship (COMREC) group of the International University of Valencia. He has participated in 16 R&D projects, all through public competition in communication, cultural heritage and museology, and a dozen internally funded projects in different educational institutions in Spain and Latin America. Peer reviewer in international journals. Consultant in exhibition evaluation and audience studies in museums in Spain and Latin America. She has published articles in 15 scientific journals and has participated in more than 40 national and international conferences of reference.

Beatriz Atienza-Carbonell, Valencian International University

Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the International University of Valencia. Clinical documentation and admission doctor at the CHGUV. Member of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Research Group (HEQA) of the International University of Valencia and the VALencia Mental Health and Stigma Group (VALSME) of the University of Valencia. She collaborates as an expert in the evaluation of official university degrees and quality assurance systems in different agencies in Europe and as a researcher at CIBERSAM. Graduate in Medicine, Master's Degree in Criminology: Delinquency and Victimology and PhD in Medicine. She has 3 teaching innovation projects, 14 scientific articles with more than 1000 citations and more than 25 papers presented at conferences.

Pablo Moreno Muñoz, Valencian International University

Director of Contents and CRAI of the International University of Valencia. Head of the International University of Valencia Publishing House, Professor at the School of Science and Technology of the International University of Valencia. Member of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Research Group (HEQA). Doctor of Architecture with extensive experience both professionally in architecture and in teaching and university academic management. He has participated in 3 R+D+i projects and teaching innovation projects, has 8 scientific contributions and several publications in architectural journals.

Mónica Rodríguez-Gascó, Valencian International University

Director of Quality and Sustainability and lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the International University of Valencia. Member of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Research Group (HEQA). Graduate in Chemistry, Master's Degree in Creation of Environmental Management Consultancies, Advanced Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention and Pedagogical Aptitude Course. She has more than 20 years of experience as a professional and teacher in quality management and 7 years specialising in university quality management. He is currently studying the Doctorate in Education programme in the field of quality evaluation in higher education.

Andrés Folgado Tomás, Valencian International University

Academic quality technician at the International University of Valencia. Member of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Research Group (HEQA). Expert evaluator in quality agencies in processes of monitoring and renewal of accreditation and member of the internal evaluation committee of studies in Arts and Humanities of the Madri+D Foundation. Graduate in Fine Arts, Master's Degree in Integrated Quality Management, Master's Degree in Communication and Digital Marketing, Double Master's Degree MBA & Project Management, Master's Degree in Leadership and Team Management. Currently studying the PhD programme in Communication and Cultural Industries at the Universitat Politècnica de València.


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How to Cite

Puig-Pérez, S., Castellanos-Pineda, P., Atienza-Carbonell, B., Moreno Muñoz, P., Rodríguez-Gascó, M., & Folgado Tomás, A. (2024). Agreements on university quality in the European Higher Education Area and their application in Spain. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.


