Society, design and changes: social design




Social design, Design, Social Design projects, Social innovation, society, culture, social design in POrtugal, designers


Society is currently undergoing a phase of significant change, due to successive technological advances that have led to the creation of new forms of social interaction, such as remote working, online services, and the creation of more adaptable and inclusive work spaces and equipment. Social Design is one of the areas of knowledge that has started to participate in the changes taking place in society, as it has started to develop projects in a more accessible, sustainable and impartial way based on design principles and methods.

In this study, we used an exploratory methodology with a qualitative approach.

With all this, it was possible to identify more clearly the concept of Social Design, some of the main mentors of the subject, as well as designers and projects existing in the national context.

We can therefore conclude that the area of ​​Social Design has led to development in the field of Design. In the initial phase, at a national and international level, designers' greatest concern was related to the functional and aesthetic aspects of products. Currently, they involve the community in the process, highlight the needs and experiences of end users, and give priority to solutions that have a positive environmental impact, minimizing waste and promoting ecologically correct practices.


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Author Biography

Maria Caeiro Guerreiro, University of Algarve

Maria Caeiro M. Guerreiro holds a PhD in Design from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. Since 1994 has been working as a lecturer at the University of the Algarve. As a researcher in the field of Design, main specific areas of interest are: Inclusive design, Social and cultural design, Design training, Designers. Since 2015 has been a member of various scientific committees for scientific journals and international conferences and frequently invited to sit on juries for 2nd cycle exams. Coordinator and/or supervisor of various projects carried out with the community within the scope of the courses in Design at the University of the Algarve. Trainee supervisor. Supervision of several research projects within the scope of master's programs: Communication Design, Special Education - cognitive and motor domains, and Pre-School Education. Member of various organizational committees for national and international meetings and conferences held in the field of Communication Design at the University of the Algarve and in partnership with it. Author of several scientific and opinion articles and book chapters. Director of the master's program in Communication Design for Tourism and Culture, deputy director of the undergraduate program in Communication Design, and director of the Arts and Design department. Since 2021 has been the coordinator of the UALG/UL-FA Design Research Pole.


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How to Cite

Caeiro Guerreiro, M. (2025). Society, design and changes: social design. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.



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