Academic Stress as a Risk Factor for Mental Health in Law Students in the Andean Highlands




academic stress, risk factor, mental health, students, right, stressors, symptoms, coping strategies


Introduction: The transition from the school environment to university marks a significant milestone in students’ lives, both academically and personally. The School of Law at the National University of the Altiplano (UNA) is a major educational choice for young individuals in the highland regions. Therefore, this study aims to analyze academic stress as a risk factor for the mental health of Law students in the Peruvian highlands during the 2022-2 and 2023-1. Methodology: The research follows a descriptive, longitudinal, and trend-based approach. The study population consisted of 246 and 245 Law students from UNA during the specified semesters, respectively. Results: A high prevalence of academic stress among students is confirmed, making it a risk factor for mental health. It is triggered by symptoms, stressors and coping strategies. Discussion: The analysis focuses on the dimensions proposed by Barraza in his SisCo model. Conclusions: Factors such as homework load and forms of assessment contribute significantly to stress, indicating the need to review academic and administrative practices to reduce these triggers.


Author Biographies

Liceli Gabriela Peñarrieta Bedoya, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

Doctor in Education, National University of the Altiplano, Peru (UNA). Master's in Social Communication, with a specialization in Communication and Education, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC). Bachelor's degree in Social Communication Sciences (UNA). Completed a second specialization in Project-Based Learning at the Catholic University of San Pablo. Psychologist. Currently pursuing a Master's in Knowledge and Learning Psychology at FLACSO Argentina. She has conducted research and published works on educational psychology, communication for development, and social psychology. Full professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the National University of the Altiplano, Professional School of Social Communication Sciences, with over 15 years of experience in teaching and research.

Javier Sócrates Pineda Ancco, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

Lawyer and Administrator. Professor at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the National University of the Altiplano. Doctor in Law and a Master's in Administrative Law from the same university. He has completed a second specialization in Project-Based Learning at the Catholic University of San Pablo. He has published works on public services, law, and education.

Manuel León Quintanilla Chacón, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

Professor at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences (FCJP) of the National University of the Altiplano. Former Dean and current Director of the FCJP Graduate School. Former Senior Judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Puno.

Luigi Hedrik Rodriguez Rocha, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

Lawyer. Holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Communication from the National University of the Altiplano. Master's in Communication and Development from the University of Westminster, England, and currently pursuing a PhD in Social Sciences at the National University of the Altiplano, Puno. Lecturer in the area of Communication for Development at the Professional School of Social Communication, UNA.


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How to Cite

Peñarrieta Bedoya, L. G., Pineda Ancco, J. S., Quintanilla Chacón, M. L., & Rodriguez Rocha, L. H. (2025). Academic Stress as a Risk Factor for Mental Health in Law Students in the Andean Highlands. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.

