Critical analysis of the responses generated by Chat GPT on syntactic funtions




Education, Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Chat GPT, Language, Syntactic Analysis, Syntactic Functions


Introduction: In the educational field, Artificial Intelligent is increasingly being used by students in various academic activities. However, some teachers are interested in investigating how it influences the development of their skills. Methodology: The use of AI in the subject of Language by students was evaluated through a survey, and then the syntactic information generated by the AI was analyzed to encourage reflection on the accuracy of the answer in syntactic analysis. Results: They revealed that many students use chat as part their learning process, but inconsistencies were detected in the responses of the AI regarding the functions. Discussions: The validity of tradicional grammar is questioned today, and it is pointed out that the collected data is not sufficiently relevant to support an effective syntactic analysis. Additionally, it is emphasized that GPT Chat has difficulties in explaining concepts due to the lack of relevance in its wording, as evidenced by the excessive term of repetition. Conclusions: It is imperative that linguists and engineers join forces to develop the educational potential of this machine in the field of syntactic analysis.


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Author Biography

Esther González Lavín, University of Cantabria

She studied Hispanic Philology in Salamanca and obtained her PhD at the University of Cantabria. She currently works as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language at the Language Center of the University of Cantabria (CIUC) and as an associate professor of Spanish Language at the Faculty of Education of the same University. Her research has focused on the methodology of textbooks for teaching Spanish as a foreign language, a topic she addressed in her doctoral thesis. She has specialized in the use of textbooks in an immersion language environment. In addition, she has shared her experience through lectures on Spanish Methods, as well as published papers related to Spanish textbooks, syntax in the Spanish language and the study of virtual teaching.


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How to Cite

González Lavín, E. (2025). Critical analysis of the responses generated by Chat GPT on syntactic funtions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.



Research and Artificial Intelligence