Public relations, events and tourism: Madeira Day




Tourism, Public relations, Madeira Day, Protocol, Commemorations, Ceremonial, Events, Promotion


Introduction: the Portuguese Constitution of 1976 grants autonomy to the Madeira Region. Since then, every July 1, official commemorative events are held for the Day of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and the Madeiran Communities. The main commemorative event is held in the regional parliament, the highest official exponent of popular sovereignty and democratic normality, an issue that gives the ceremony a strong institutional message towards public opinion. Methodology: a qualitative analysis is carried out based on the case study method, single case modality, and the use of secondary sources (bibliographic and archival) are used as research techniques. Results: The official events of Madeira Day not only convey an institutional message to both public opinion and the Portuguese state, but also significantly promote tourism in the region. The celebrations attract numerous visitors, boost the local economy and highlight, while projecting, Madeiran culture internationally. Discussions and conclusions: The initial hypothesis is corroborated since synergistic connections are established between this type of official commemorations, official events, relationship management and tourism promotion.


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Author Biographies

Marta Pulido-Polo, University of Seville

Marta Pulido Polo has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a PhD in Journalism, Advertising and CAV from the University of Seville. She has been a Professor at the University of Seville since 2003. She is currently Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Seville, Vice-Dean of Students and External Practices of the Faculty of Communication of the same University.

Pedro Álvaro Pereira Correia, University of Madeira

Pedro Álvaro Pereira Correia is Professor and Researcher of Marketing at the University of Madeira and CITUR, with a PhD in Marketing from the University of Vic, Spain. He teaches several undergraduate and masters courses, supervises dissertations and acts as a juror in PhD and masters programs in several countries. He has contributed as organizer and researcher in seminars, congresses and academic projects in several countries. With extensive professional experience, he has held positions as marketing director, consultant and project manager in several organizations, including the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce. His research interests include marketing and communication, digital and mobile, with numerous publications and international presentations.


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How to Cite

Pulido-Polo, M., & Pereira Correia, P. Álvaro. (2025). Public relations, events and tourism: Madeira Day. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.



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