Good design criteria for tourism destination brands: a tool for their assessment




design, graphic design, tourism, place branding, destination brand, visual identity, good design criteria, design management


Introduction: In a globalized world, territories implement branding programs to strengthen their identity and attract tourism. However, many destination brands continue to underperform, highlighting the need for improved design. This research aims to establish good design criteria in the ethical, aesthetic, and functional dimensions and to develop a tool for their evaluation. Methodology: A qualitative approach was employed, including a panel of experts and creative toolkits. Six professors from the Design Degree program at the University of La Laguna participated using design thinking methodologies to identify and define criteria applicable to destination brands. Results: The study demonstrated that with an appropriate tool and efficient design management, it is possible to create destination brands that meet ethical, aesthetic, and functional good design criteria. Discussion: The developed tool proved to be a valuable resource for evaluating and improving the quality of destination brands, providing clear guidelines for designers and strengthening territorial communication.
Conclusions: The research achieved its objective of identifying good design criteria and developing an instrument that enhances the quality and effectiveness of destination brands.


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Author Biographies

Haridian Díaz Mesa, University of La Laguna

Department of Fine Arts. University of La Laguna. Graduated in Design at the University of La Laguna, with a Master in Marketing and Advertising at the University of Nebrija. After finishing her studies in 2020, she starts her career as a designer in London where she develops communication and branding projects for international companies. Since 2022 she is a beneficiary of the Predoctoral Program for Research Staff Training in the Canary Islands, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Alfonso Ruiz Rallo, University of La Laguna

Graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, specializing in Image in 1988. Doctor in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona in 1993. He has been academic coordinator of the official Master in Innovation in design for the tourism sector by the universities of La Laguna, Barcelona, Basque Country-EHU and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria between 2010 and 2020. He is a full professor in the Degree in Design and vice-rector of Teaching and Research Staff at the University of La Laguna.


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How to Cite

Díaz Mesa, H., & Ruiz Rallo, A. (2025). Good design criteria for tourism destination brands: a tool for their assessment. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.



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