Communicative Competencies as a Key Factor in the Success of Latin American Edutubers.




Complementary Education, Edutubers, Learning Platforms, Communicative Competencies, Distance Education, Pedagogical Discourse, Digital Narratives, Interactive Learning.


Introduction: Edutubers, a term used to describe individuals who act as educators on digital platforms such as YouTube, play an essential role in the contemporary educational landscape. Their significance lies not only in their ability to master information technologies but also in their communicative skills, a fundamental aspect for the effective transmission of educational discourse. Methodology: In this context, the present report focuses on describing the oral communicative practices of these three edutubers, using a qualitative methodology with a descriptive-analytical approach and the case study method. The main objective is to identify the didactic and narrative resources they use, as well as to determine how their discursive style has been fundamental to their success. Results: The results allow us to conclude how edutubers known as La Profe Mónica (Colombia), El Profe Alex (Colombia), and Marisol Maldonado (Mexico), following in the footsteps of the renowned Colombian edutuber Julio Profe, have been able to take advantage of the possibilities offered by YouTube to reach a global audience and thus democratize access to knowledge. Conclusions: The work of edutubers goes beyond simply transmitting information; they act as facilitators of learning, creating an interactive and collaborative environment where viewers can actively participate.



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Author Biographies

Marcela Patricia Estrada Arango, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo

Professor at the Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo

Omar Alejandro Afanador Ortiz , Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI

Professor at the Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI.


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How to Cite

Estrada Arango, M. P., & Afanador Ortiz , O. A. (2025). Communicative Competencies as a Key Factor in the Success of Latin American Edutubers . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14.


