Political opinions shared in WhatsApp groups: radicalization or diversity





WhatsApp, political opinions, Politic ideology, online groups, modeling, interactions, radicalization, diversity


Introduction: WhatsApp has become the main social network in Spain. In this application you can create private one-on-one groups where opinions are shared. The main objective of the research has been to analyze online behavior within private WhatsApp groups and the influence of extreme comments in shaping opinions on political issues in Spain. Methodology: Ten WhatsApp groups where political opinions are shared have been monitored. For three months, 19,216 interactions were analyzed from a total of 1,322 users, of which 419 users were active and participatory (more than three interactions per month in the group). Results: Among the main results is that there is a high level of radicalization in the groups analyzed regardless of whether they have a left-wing or right-wing ideological tendency. And differences have been found between the main themes of the groups. Discussion: Similar studies with similar results have been found in other places in the world. Conclusions: The main hypothesis has been confirmed that the greater the radicalization of the opinions of an online group, the less the diversity of different opinions.


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Author Biography

Víctor Renobell Santaren, International University of La Rioja

Professor and researcher at the International University of La Rioja. Full Professor by ANECA with a recognized six-year research period. Coordinator of the Degree in Political Science at the International University of La Rioja. PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona. Master's Degree in Political Science. Master's Degree in International MBA. Master in Anthropology and Audiovisual Communication. Director of the Democracy and Public Policy Research Group (DEPOP) of the International University of La Rioja. He has been a professor at more than 9 Spanish and international universities and university centers. He has more than 50 indexed scientific publications.


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How to Cite

Renobell Santaren, V. (2024). Political opinions shared in WhatsApp groups: radicalization or diversity . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1536



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