Emotions in politics to understand the undecided vote in a polarization scenario





undecided vote, elections, voting intention, emotions, political polarisation, survey, political ideology, Spain


Introduction: We will address the issue of emotions in politics and their role as an explanatory model of the behavior of the undecided vote in pre-electoral times. It is about understanding the importance of emotions in politics and seeing the impact they have in a context of political polarization. Methodology: A survey was carried out on 395 individuals who claimed to be in the undecided vote position for the next elections in Spain. The method used for this study was multivariate analysis. Specifically, it was decided to create a regression model that relates positive and negative emotions to voting intention. Results: The results have shown that negative emotions (distrust, irritation or boredom) have been shown to be more powerful when explaining voting options in people who positioned themselves as undecided when voting in Spain. Another significant result has been that left-wing parties align themselves with positive emotions when explaining their vote while right-wing parties align themselves with negative emotions when explaining their vote. Discussion: Other studies show the importance of negative emotions in the articulation of voting decisions, but there are no studies that show data on how the modeling of negative emotions activates undecided voting in a radicalized political context. Conclusions: Negative emotions are encouraging to motivate the undecided vote in a scenario of political polarization.


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Author Biography

Víctor Renobell Santaren, International University of La Rioja

Professor and researcher at the International University of La Rioja. Full Professor by ANECA with a recognized six-year research period. Coordinator of the Degree in Political Science at the International University of La Rioja. PhD in Sociology from the University of Barcelona. Master's Degree in Political Science. Master's Degree in International MBA. Master in Anthropology and Audiovisual Communication. Director of the Democracy and Public Policy Research Group (DEPOP) of the International University of La Rioja. He has been a professor at more than 9 Spanish and international universities and university centers. He has more than 50 indexed scientific publications.


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How to Cite

Renobell Santaren, V. (2025). Emotions in politics to understand the undecided vote in a polarization scenario. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1537



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