Augustine of Hippo and Paulinus of Nola: amicitia and Orthodoxy




amicitia, affection, epistle, orthodoxy, Augustine of Hippo, Paulinus of Nola, friendship


Introduction: Friendship is one of the great expressions of human sociability, being key to achieving virtue and faith. This study focuses on analyzing the friendship between Augustine of Hippo and Paulinus of Nola from a historical and philosophical perspective. Methodology: The epistolary communication between them is examined to identify elements of continuity and discontinuity regarding the classical ideal of friendship. Additionally, the study explores how intimacy is expressed and sustained despite their geographical separation, highlighting the role of letters as a medium of connection. Results: The research reveals that their friendship is not only upheld through epistolary exchange but is also rooted in a commitment to Christian orthodoxy, with fidelity to Rome serving as a cornerstone of their bond. Discussion: When comparing this model with the classical ideal, a redefinition of friendship in Christian terms emerges, where aspects such as faith and spiritual communion transcend the reciprocity and equality values typical of the Greco-Roman tradition. Conclusions: The friendship between Augustine and Paulinus represents a unique synthesis of the classical ideal and Christian spirituality, reaching its fullness through shared adherence to religious and doctrinal principles.


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Author Biography

Arturo Morales Rojas, Universidad de Almería

D. student in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Almeria. D. student in Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid. Master's degree in teaching. Specialty in Philosophy, at the UNIR. Master in Philosophy, Science and Citizenship and Master in Historical and Literary Heritage of Antiquity, both at the University of Malaga. Degree in Religious Education, from the Catholic University of Pereira (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Morales Rojas, A. (2025). Augustine of Hippo and Paulinus of Nola: amicitia and Orthodoxy . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.



Humanism and Social Sciences