Administrative management strategy to guarantee the security of victims and witnesses in the judicial sphere in Guayaquil – Ecuador




security, administrative management strategy, victims, protection, public governance, trust, justice system, effectiveness of the program


Introduction: This article focuses on the protection of victims and witnesses in the judicial sphere, emphasizing the vital importance of public governance and implementation of administrative management strategies that make it possible to detect risks, carrying out security measures and state policies that provide follow-up, evaluating the effectiveness of the actions taken aimed at safeguarding the rights and security of those who participate or are involved in judicial processes. Methodology: A descriptive-explanatory qualitative methodology was applied using the method of review of bibliographic sources, research literature on the topic addressed. Results: The importance of applying administrative management strategies and public policies aimed at the protection of the subjects that make up the SPAVT is observed. Discussion: The implementation of administrative management strategies oriented to the protection of rights faces several drawbacks, the main one being the budget decrease which results in lack of personnel and lack of training, preventing the operation of the system. Conclusions: The lack of administrative management strategies has made it difficult for the SPAVT to achieve the proposed objectives and guarantee the safety of those who are at risk when participating in a process.


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Author Biography

Washington Rene Astudillo Orellana, Cesar Vallejo University

Full Professor M/T at the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador) Faculty of Jurisprudence, Social and Political Sciences, Doctor in Jurisprudence (2006), Master in Criminal and Criminological Sciences from the University of Guayaquil (2008), Master in Constitutional Law from the University of Guayaquil (2009), Master in International Sciences and Diplomacy from the University of Guayaquil (2012), Diploma in University Teaching from the University of Guayaquil (2010), Diploma in Criminalistics from the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo-Peru (2008), Postgraduate on Current Issues of Criminal Law from the Universidad de Mar del Plata-Argentina (2008), Diploma in Oral Litigation from the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo-Peru (2010), Specialization in International Criminal Law from the Universidad Logos Internacional-Venezuela (2016), PhD in Procedural Law from the Universidad Pontificia Católica de Perú and PhD in Public Management and Governance from the Universidad César Vallejo-Peru. He has several publications, such as, Bilateral Policy of Ecuador and Colombia in the Control of Money Laundering, Crime of Illicit Enrichment in Ecuador and Murder for Hire or Sicariato, among other works that contribute to the legal body of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Astudillo Orellana, W. R. (2024). Administrative management strategy to guarantee the security of victims and witnesses in the judicial sphere in Guayaquil – Ecuador. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



Research articles