The Politicization of high-performance sport in Latin America: A comparative analysis of the cases of Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Jamaica, and Venezuela 2008-2017




politicization, bureaucratization, high-performance sport, Olympic cycle, comparative analysis, unfavorable results, public policy, state interference


Introduction: this study aims to identify the necessary and sufficient causes that impact the unfavorable results in high-performance sports during the Olympic cycle competitions between 2008 and 2017. It utilizes a comparative analysis of seven Latin American countries: Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Jamaica, and Venezuela. Methodology: this research employs a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) framework to determine the factors with the most significant impact on unfavorable results. Results: In fact, this work categorized the variation in favorable results as a multicausal and conjunctural phenomenon. Discussions: the findings indicate that the most influential causes are related to the presence of a large bureaucratic apparatus, a predominantly public type of sports funding, and the presence of state interference mechanisms. Conclusions: It has been observed that, the bureaucratization of high-performance sport is a phenomenon stemming from a prior process of politicization. Consequently, countries with a higher degree of politicization exhibit a more pronounced deterioration in results, while those without signs of politicization show sustained growth in their results.


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Author Biography

Daniela Paz Coronel, Universidad de los Hemisferios

Degree in Political Science and International Relations from Universidad Hemisferios, Mg. in Political Studies from Universidad de los Andes, Chile. She is a research professor at Universidad Hemisferios, with more than four years of experience as a university professor and social researcher. Research interests: democracy and political institutions, education, gender.


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How to Cite

Paz Coronel, D. (2024). The Politicization of high-performance sport in Latin America: A comparative analysis of the cases of Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Jamaica, and Venezuela 2008-2017. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Research articles