The hidden codes of sound in cinema: A challenge for blind people




cinematic sound, acoustic cues, film accessibility, sound perception, visual reconstruction, sound analysis, cinema, blind


Introduction: The objective of this work is to understand how blind people reconstruct cinema through their sound codes. Methodology: To carry it out, a double qualitative methodology has been applied: audiovisual analysis and in-depth interview. For this purpose, the most significant visual codes from the film The Favourite (2018) have been selected, based on which the sound codes subjected to study have been determined. The sample is made up of six subjects: three with congenital blindness and three with acquired blindness. Results: The study reveals that blind people rarely reconstruct formal aspects. People blind from birth are more sensitive to acoustic cues, and subjects with acquired blindness draw more on their previous visual experience. Discussion: Just as the keys that intervene in your relationship with the environment are your priority in real listening, in cinema they focus on recognizing time, space and action. Subjects with congenital blindness have more difficulties when interpreting audiovisual codes. Conclusion: It is proposed as a solution to audiodoscribe taking into account sound and provide media literacy to enrich the cinematographic experience and optimize the translation.


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Author Biographies

María Chicote González, University of Burgos

PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country and Associate Professor in the Audiovisual Communication Degree at the University of Burgos since 2017 where she teaches in areas of technology and sound design and postproduction in the audiovisual field. She has also been a professor in the Master's Degree in Communication and Multimedia Development between 2017 and 2019. Her research areas focus on film analysis, film accessibility for the blind, sound and music in the audiovisual environment and the therapeutic field.

Mario Cartelle Neira, University of Burgos

Mario Cartelle Neira is a professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication at the University of Burgos. He teaches subjects in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication and in the Master's Degree in Communication and Multimedia Development. He has been part of the research groups CAYPAT and CADETE and is currently integrated in the research group ECA (Shows and Audiovisual Culture).


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How to Cite

Chicote González, M., & Cartelle Neira, M. (2025). The hidden codes of sound in cinema: A challenge for blind people. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–22.


