Development of communicative and digital skills in rural environments, supported by horizontal learning and use of ICT




horizontal learning, oral discursive competence, written discursive competence, active learning, pedagogy, pedagogical strategies, communication, ICT


Introduction: This paper explores the implementation of horizontality in teaching within a rural context at an educational institution where 7th-grade students face challenges in oral and written expression. It introduces a pedagogical innovation called "the teachers in uniform," which is developed through a pedagogical approach known as "practiclases." This approach integrates active learning with the teacher participating as a classmate, employing a pedagogy that incorporates ICT. The methodology is grounded in the constructivist pedagogical model, aiming to enhance critical thinking, argumentation, and communication skills. Methodology: For the development of the research, qualitative methodology is used from participatory action research and the technique of direct observation. Results: A training route was built supported by the PIERR method, which enhances horizontality and allows the change of roles in the classroom with the use of ICT. Discussions: This experience favors the strengthening of discursive skills, so that students can function in academic, personal and social spheres. Conclusions: The students' gaze towards the teacher was capitalized in an environment of reciprocity; education from a liberated pedagogy, evaluation as assessment, the use of tics from literacy, the dissemination of their learning and the development of classes.


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Author Biographies

Yesenia María Ramírez, University of La Guajira

Master in Pedagogy of Information and Communication Technologies from the University of La Guajira (Colombia). University and Secondary Education Teacher, Bachelor in Ethno-education with emphasis in Spanish Language and Bilingualism from the University of La Guajira (Colombia).

Marlin Aarón-Gonzalvez, University of La Guajira

D. in Projects from UNINI University of Mexico 2024. In 1990 she obtained a degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad del Norte (Colombia), and in 2014 a Master in Pedagogy of Information and Communication Technologies from Universidad de La Guajira (Colombia). Her research interests include systems modeling and simulation, system dynamics, pedagogy and the use of ICT. She is currently a full time professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of La Guajira (Colombia).

Cecilia León-Barros, University of La Guajira

Master in Pedagogy of Information and Communication Technologies from the University of La Guajira (Colombia). Doctoral student in Education, with a degree in Ethnoeducation from the University of La Guajira and teacher of Primary Basic Education.

Andres Solano-Barliza, University of La Guajira

D. student in Information and Communication Technologies-ICT, at the Universidad de la Costa (Colombia) and is also a PhD student in Computer Science and Security Mathematics at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain). In 2014 he received the degree of Systems Engineer from the University of La Guajira (Colombia), in 2023 he received the degree of Specialist in Analytics and Big Data, by the Ibero-American university corporation (Colombia) and in 2019 the Master in Pedagogy of Information and Communication Technologies by the University of La Guajira (Colombia). He is currently a full time professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of La Guajira (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Ramírez, Y. M., Aarón-Gonzalvez, M., León-Barros, C., & Solano-Barliza, A. (2024). Development of communicative and digital skills in rural environments, supported by horizontal learning and use of ICT. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.


