Neuromarketing and advertising: leadership challenges




Leadership, Neuromarketing, Advertising, Creativity, Strategy, Innovation, Transformation, Communication


Introduction: This paper describes the skills and characteristics of leadership in the field of neuromarketing and advertising. Methodology: A literature review of articles and specialized studies has been carried out, focusing on the most relevant leadership theories. Results: Effective neuromarketing leaders combine a creative and strategic vision with a strong capacity for adaptation, fostering innovation and change management. In addition, they have deep market knowledge and communication skills to lead cross-functional teams. Discussion: Transformational leaders are best suited for this context, as they inspire their teams, promote autonomy and prioritize the personal and professional development of their collaborators. Conclusions: Neuromarketing leadership requires creativity, adaptability, market knowledge and communication skills. These aspects ensure the effectiveness of campaigns and organizational success.


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Author Biography

Almudena Barrientos-Báez, Complutense University of Madrid

Complutense University of Madrid (Faculty of Information Sciences - Department of Communication Theories and Analysis) 

Advisor to the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Transfer to support the development of lines of action at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences. Department of Communication Theories and Analysis. Doctor with Cum Laude international mention in Education (Univ. Camilo José Cela). She was director of the Enabling Master's Degree in Teacher Training (European University of Madrid). Master in Protocol Management, Production, Organization and Design of Events - COMMUNICATION area - (Univ. Camilo José Cela) and Master in Tourist Accommodation Management (Univ. Girona). Degree in Tourism (Univ. of La Laguna) and Diploma in Teaching (Univ. Valencia).

Member (Academic) of the Academy of Television and Audiovisual Sciences and Arts.

Vice President of the Spanish Association of Scientific Film and Image (ASECIC).

Director and presenter of the DtúAtú Spaces: interviews developed for 3 years at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM with relevant personalities from the area of ​​Communication such as Diego López Garrido, Remedios Cervantes, Jorge Valdano, Pedro Piqueras...

Director of the academic journal Sciences of Communication and Information (HISIN) C1 in DIALNET Metric Communication and of the academic journal Comunicación y Salud (Complutense University of Madrid) C2 in DIALNET Metric Communication. Director of three International Congresses in the area of ​​Communication

Her research work is linked directly and also transversally to Neuromarketing, Neurocommunication, Gender, Social Networks, Communication, PR and ICT. Index h 22.

She is part of the Public audiovisual media project in the platform ecosystem: management and evaluation models of the reference public value for Spain, (PID2021-122386OB-I00), funded by the MCIN, AEI and FEDER, EU. Ministry of Science and Innovation. IP1 Miguel Túñez and IP2 Francisco Campos.

She is part of the research team of the RTVE Chair of the University of Santiago de Compostela on Public Service Media in Europe.

Member of the Research Team: Communication and Education Office. Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the UAB.

She is part of the 2022-2023 Innova-Teaching Innovation Project. Project No. 242 Strategies to promote University-Business communication and promote the employment of students throughout their educational career.

She is part of the CONCILIUM research group (931,791) of the Complutense University of Madrid, “Validation of communication models, neurocommunication, business, social networks and gender.”

She is part of the Research Group on creation and psychosocial and cultural effects of audiovisual discourse (940,350) of the Complutense University of Madrid.

She is part of the RTPE project (European Public Radio Television) and the VALCOMM project (Public audiovisual media in the ecosystem of platforms: management models and evaluation of the reference public value for Spain).

It is part of the (micro) Machismos project. A project of the Feminisms 4.0 Depo-Uvigo Chair (2021 call). Mulleres pontevedresas on the network. Analysis of discourse, micromachismos and hate speech on Twitter.

She was co-host of the weekly program “Miceando, Turismo en Radio” for two years. Activate Radio.

He was part of the working group of the Competitiveness Monitor project of the Island of Tenerife: Economic Development and Sustainability (File 069-2020). IP1 Eduardo Parra López.

She was a researcher at the Chair of Education in Emerging Technologies, Gamification and Artificial Intelligence at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. Promote an integrated system of research, training, information and dissemination activities in Education and Technologies (EduEmer).

She was part of the New values, governance, financing and public audiovisual services for the Internet society: European and Spanish contrasts (RTI2018-096065-B-I00) research project of the State R&D&I Program aimed at the Challenges of Partnership of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). IP1 Francisco Campos Freire. IP2 Miguel Túñez López.

She was an associate researcher of the research project Ring of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, code SOC180045, entitled: “Converging Horizons: Production, Mediation, Reception and Effects of Representations of Marginality”, according to Res. Affecta Nº 025 dated November 22, 2018 and Res. Ex. No. 2000-136 dated December 27, 2018. 305 thousand Euros during the 3 years; University of La Frontera as Main Institution.


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How to Cite

Barrientos-Báez, A. (2024). Neuromarketing and advertising: leadership challenges. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



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