Workshop experiences with learning and service methodologies in Chilean Design careers




service learning, active and participatory methodologies, design teaching, community development, Design, sustentable, Education for sustainable development, Chile, workshop


Introduction: This article describes the foundations and characteristics of Service-Based Learning (ABS or AeS) model, relating it to the educational models of UC Temuco and University of La Serena.  The use of AeS in Design courses is tremendously useful and valuable in contributing to the achievement of the country's sustainable development objectives; promoting a virtuous, profound and mutually enriching encounter between knowledge and cultures that constitute it, from an intercultural and global perspective integrated into institutional work. Methodology: This writing reports on experiences carried out with AeS in two Chilean Design Schools: learning, difficulties and achievements achieved; demonstrating how its incorporation can impact the transformation of traditional teaching practices. The aim is to compare binding experiences developed between institutions that, although they have been successful and valued by students, have not been systematized or disseminated, disfavoring their replicability. Results: These experiences allowed students to develop a design project, satisfying local needs. Discussions: These strategies contribute to the achievement of generic competencies and development of change processes and regional society transformation; valuing human dignity and common good. Conclusions: The experiences carried out and results obtained indicate the value of AeS and application in project careers.


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Author Biographies

Maria Paula Simian, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Licenciada en Diseño y Diseñadora PUC; MsC Ergonomía UPC. (España). Diplomada en Desarrollo Curricular basado en Competencias, Gestión de Marketing, Gestión Estratégica en Educación Superior e Investigación en Docencia en Contexto de Diversidad Social-Cultural. El 2000 se incorpora a la UC Temuco realizando Docencia, Extensión, Investigación, Modelos de Utilidad y diversos cargos de Gestión desde Dirección de Carreras Diseño y Coordinaciones varias. Profesor Asociado. Miembro Titular de SOCHERGO (Sociedad Chilena de Ergonomía). Miembro Red Investigadores en Diseño, Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires Argentina. Profesionalmente proyecta arquitectura interior-equipamiento enfatizando Diseño Universal y Accesibilidad en sus proyectos.

Eugenia Álvarez Saavedra, Universidad de La Serena

PhD in Design from the University of Palermo, Commercial Engineer and Graphic Designer. Academic University of La Serena, Chile. Graduated in Higher Education Teaching, researcher and member of the academic committee and forum of researchers in Design at University of Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professionally experience in management of private companies in the areas of marketing, sales and graphic design in Chile and Argentina.


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How to Cite

Simian, M. P., & Álvarez Saavedra, E. (2025). Workshop experiences with learning and service methodologies in Chilean Design careers. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.


