Subjective analysis of university students on their academic performance in face-to-face mode




Academic performance, Study habits, Teaching, Learning, Undergraduates, Dropout, Time management, Academic activities


Introduction: One of the factors that cause university students to decide to abandon their studies is the issue of their academic performance, so it is extremely important to have a clear picture of how they perceive their performance in the classroom. Methodology: Quantitative approach, cross-sectional and analytical, its method was inductive - deductive; the sample consisted of 184 students of the on-site modality of a Public University of Peru; the instrument used was the RAU Scale of University Academic Performance. Results: The mean age was 18 years; 53,8% were female and 46,2% male. Regarding academic performance, 15,8% of university students perceive their level as low and 84,2% as medium; 64,1% are at the medium level for academic activities, 51,6% are at the low level for dedication to study and 75,5% are at the high level for lack of organization of didactic resources. Discussion: There are studies where similar results have been obtained, but no associated factors have been found. Conclusions: Students need to develop strategies to improve their academic performance.



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Author Biographies

Kelly Vargas-Prado, Autonomous University of Ica

Dental Surgeon from Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, Master's Degree in Public Management from Universidad César Vallejo, Master's Degree in Research and University Teaching from Universidad Católica de Trujillo Benedicto XVI, Second specialty in Statistics and Scientific Research at Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal. Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Ica. Experience in the development of research work. Teacher immersed in research lines of psychology, education and social sciences.

Silvana Campos-Martinez, Autonomous University of Ica

Degree in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Ica, Degree in Education with mention in Computer Science from the Universidad Privada De Ica, Degree in Administration and Finance from the Universidad Autónoma De Ica. Doctor in Public Health and Master in Business Management from the Universidad Autónoma de Ica. Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Ica with experience in the development of research work.

Yessica Patricia Rojas-Jara, Autonomous University of Ica

She has a degree in Education Sciences from the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, a PhD in Education and a Master's Degree in Education with mention in Administration and Planning of Higher Education from the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, a Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy from the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja - Spain, a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Ica, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú with experience in research whose thematic areas include education, psychology and social sciences.

Walter Jesús Acharte Champi , Autonomous University of Ica

Board Certified Dental Surgeon with extensive experience in dental auditing, university teaching, and management in occupational and public health. Master in Occupational Health and in Auditing and Public Management, Bachelor in Education, and currently pursuing a Doctorate in Health Administration and a Doctorate in Public Health.


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How to Cite

Vargas-Prado, K., Campos-Martinez, S., Rojas-Jara, Y. P., & Acharte Champi , W. J. (2024). Subjective analysis of university students on their academic performance in face-to-face mode. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.

